Meet My Mom | Teen Ink

Meet My Mom

April 17, 2014
By Anonymous

He was 20m minutes late. It was the 3rd car I heard, it was the 3rd time I got up and yelled “Dad!” it was the 3rd time it wasn’t him. My parents have been divorced for almost a year, Mom and I are in Southern Pines, North Carolina, and we live with my Grandma. My Dad moved away 3 hours to Henderson, for a job. I don’t really see him anymore, he’s always busy with work. I went back inside to go get my baseball glove, but grandma told me that dad called and said he wasn’t coming, again..

After dinner I went upstairs to write back to Vince;
“Dear Vince,
That sounds really cool! I would be too scared to be over there, when and where do you sleep?! The Blue Jays beat the Rockets, it was a great game! I can’t wait to play some Baseball with you! We need a coach for our summer team, you should be it!!! My dad didn’t come today. He called and said he was busy at work. When will you be coming home? I really want to meet you! Write soon!

You’re Pen Pal,


2 weeks ago Ms. Hoffman had us write to a group of men overseas. They are from Fort Sebastian, the military base in our town. I’m writing to Vince, he is 26 and is from New Jersey but moved to Southern Pines this year. He grew up with his parents divorced and he plays baseball.

I got home after school and there was a man in uniform in the kitchen with grandma, he knew my name. My first thoughts were that my uncle that was lost overseas was home. But then he said his name was Vince.

I thought he would have looked much different. He has blonde hair with the tight military haircut. We went outside and played some baseball. Later Grandma called us in for dinner, mom was home. After dinner we all played scrabble, Mom won. Grandma and I went upstairs, we said our prayers and she tucked me in.

Vince has been home for a month now, he will leave again in September. Mom, him and I are really close. There’s only a week left of school, and then baseball starts. Vince agreed to be our coach; our team is the Red Rockets! Dad got me a hat for my birthday, but I haven’t told him about our team. I think mom just got it and said it was from him. For my birthday Vince got me the new Maple Bat I really wanted. Mom and grandma got me some other stuff too.

It was the day of my 10th birthday party. I had all the guys on the team come, along with all my friends at school. Vince brought the guys from the base that I’ve gotten to know. We had cake, and pizza. Halfway through my party Vince and the guys got called down the base. Vince didn’t look to happy when he left...

I heard Vince come back while grandma and I were saying prayers. About 10 minutes later mom and Vince were in my room, I could tell mom had been crying. I was confused. They told me Vince was leaving to go overseas again. He wasn’t supposed to leave for 3 more months. They also told me that they have decided to break up, they just kept saying “It’s for the best” and “It needs to happen” but I didn’t agree.

It’s been about 6 days since Vince and mom broke up, he will leave in 4 days. I asked mom if I could still write to him, she said I could. I could tell she wasn’t happy and that it wasn’t for the best. I was wondering how Vince was doing, I decided to write him another letter.

“Dear Vince,
M0m said I could still write to you! Isn’t that great?! Jimmy’s dad is our coach. I don’t like him, all of us want you back! I don’t think you and mom breaking up is good. She misses you a lot. Don’t you miss her?! How are you? Write back soon!

You’re pen pal,


I put a stamp on, and put it in the mailbox. I was hoping it would get to him before he leaves.

Vince leaves in 2 days, I still haven’t gotten a letter back. On our way home from practice grandma and I got ice cream. We drove up to the house and I saw a truck, I wasn’t sure whose it was. My first thought was dad. But it wasn’t him. It was Brad from the base. When I walked up to the door I saw them. Mom and Vince were there, hugging, crying and kissing. Vince thanked me for the letter and we all played scrabble, just like we did the first nigh

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