Distance Between Two Half's | Teen Ink

Distance Between Two Half's

May 7, 2014
By DanaNajeeb BRONZE, Al Ain, Iowa
DanaNajeeb BRONZE, Al Ain, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" _Einstein

You could see him, standing alone at the side of the road, contemplating in everything. He was concentrating and thinking of something with a mysterious grimace. His big brownish grey eyes looked like they were trying to understand everything, you could barely see them, for his shoulder-length wavy brown hair was slightly covering them. His hands were in the pockets of his dark blue jeans and his colorful long-sleeved t-shirt was too clad for such a hot day. He suddenly shook his head as if he just woke up from his daydream.

You could see her, sitting on a wooden chair at the end of the same road, twirling the ends of her very long brown hair. Her sleepy brown eyes seemed stray and lost, and so was her mind. She was staring at something that's indefinite, aimlessly. Her hands were crossed on her chest tightly as if she was keeping the whole world inside. Then, she opened her eyes wide, she seemed like she had an idea. She held a paper and a pencil.

He took a big notebook paper and a pencil from the bag he carried on his shoulders. He started to draw a heart. He began with the left side, he used all the pencil color tones he could use. The first side was so beautifully detailed. He really loved it that he didn't want to mess it up by drawing the right side. So, he kept it as it is, "Half a heart". But what he didn't know was that the other half was so close, closer than he ever thought, just at the end of the road he's standing on, on her paper.

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