Romeo and Juliet alternate ending | Teen Ink

Romeo and Juliet alternate ending

May 9, 2014
By Damianna3 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Damianna3 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
If we are born to die and we all die to live then whats the point in living life if it just contradicts- Falling in Reverse (Ronnie Radke)

Romeo has just slain Tybalt and is banished, by the prince, from Verona. Romeo’s only love Juliet, young and foolish, has decided that she would rather die than live without her Romeo. Silently Juliet runs to the woods with a pistol in her hand. Romeo went to say goodbye to Juliet, but when she was not in her room he ran to look for her. Romeo saw footprints leading to the woods so he started to follow them. Romeo caught a glimpse of Juliet, so he ran faster than he ever has before.
When Juliet heard a branch brake she was frightened, as she turned around she tripped but was caught by Romeo. Juliet whispered my hero. They sat there for hours. Romeo asked Juliet if she would run away with him so they could be together forever. Juliet hesitates about her answer but eventually agrees to leave with him.
Romeo and Juliet ran back to Verona to get some clothes for the night. After Romeo and Juliet got their clothes and were going to escape, to somewhere other than Verona, they were spotted by two guards. The two guards thought Romeo was trying to kidnap Juliet, so they started to shoot at Romeo. Juliet returns fire at the guards. Juliet runs out of ammo and attacks the guards with stink bombs to distract them. Romeo garbs Juliet’s hand and pulls her behind a wall.
Juliet starts to climb to the roof, Romeo follows. They run across the roof tops quickly and silently but they are stopped but a group of teenagers. They have already heard the guards calling for Romeo and Juliet so they decide to attempt to turn them in so they don’t get caught smoking. The group of teenagers ganged up on Romeo and Juliet and just as they were about to grab them a wild wind whipped through the air. Cold rain hit them in the face. Dust speckled their faces.
The kids all turned around to see a gigantic tornado coming straight towards them. They screamed and started to run down to the river. Romeo knew where there were some pipes they could tie themselves too. The teenagers would not follow him and Juliet though. Romeo felt a tugging on his shirt; he turned and saw Juliet desperately trying to get him to run with her. He turned and grabbed her hand.
They ran as fast as they could and made it to the pipes. Romeo grabbed some ropes and started trying Juliet to one of the pipes. Juliet terrified pushed Romeo away told him to tie himself up and she would finish tying herself up. Romeo did as she said to and when he finished, he grabbed Juliet’s hand kissed it and said if we don’t make it out alive I want you to know I will always love you.
Juliet cried but when she went to tell Romeo she loved him to the tornado went by making it so he couldn’t hear her. In the end Romeo and Juliet made it out alive but the whole town was ruined and everyone was dead. A few years later Romeo went to go to America on a cruise ship called the Titanic. Romeo left Juliet at their family home with his two kids. Juliet never saw her Romeo again and had told her kids that he left them so they didn't know that he had died.

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