Fairytales | Teen Ink


May 18, 2014
By Anonymous

A wedding is the ball, you are the princess, and prince charming is your husband. You have the big poofy white gown sometimes along with the evil step mom, unfortunately. At a wedding, the groom may kiss the bride that initializes the rest of their life, just like at the ball the prince kisses his princess that initializes his love for her.

There’s always a girl that tries to meddle with the wedding because she wants to have the groom for herself. At the ball, the cruel step sister tries to steal the prince for herself. But the princess always gets her prince charming, I mean its inevitable. Cinderella had dress stress as well. Cinderella sewed her dress but her cruel step sisters ruined it. But luckily with a little help from Cinderella’s mice friends, they managed to sew her a beautiful dress for the ball.

Brides have dress stress just like Cinderella. Sometimes they gain weight, or can’t afford it, or end up not liking it. But thanks to her bridesmaids, they always make it possible for the bride to have the absolute perfect wedding dress. Cinderella went to the ball in a carriage pulled by two white horses. The bride takes an extravagant limo to the wedding. All eyes are on them because everyone on the road are distracted by their transportation, that they can’t help not to look.

At the end of the ball, the clock strikes twelve and Cinderella leaves in a hurry leaving her glass slipper behind on the stairs. The prince finds the glass slipper and the very next day searches for the princess. He goes door to door having women try on the slipper to find his princess that he kissed at the ball the night before.
The groom goes shopping to find the perfect ring for his bride. He takes her ring measurements to find the perfect wedding ring to give to her on the big day.
Cinderella had a fairy god mother that helped Cinderella with magic to have a perfect night at the ball. Our fairy god mothers are our moms. They are their for moral support and give birth to our dream weddings. Weddings are fairytales that gives brides the role of being a princess. Bippity boppity boo, you now have your happily ever after!

The author's comments:
Every girl should have own perfect fairytale wedding. This piece is supposed to prove that a fairytale and a wedding are similar and you can make it happen. Remember with a little magic anything can happen!

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