The Eternal Dance | Teen Ink

The Eternal Dance

June 12, 2014
By Frickitude BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
Frickitude BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He appeared through the rather large doorway, casually strolling in as if he had not just caused a scene. His new, custom tailored Italian suit did nothing to calm the crowd of formally dressed bachelorettes. The suit actually added to his sharp personality, and his neck-length flaxen blonde hair, paired with the elegant curve of his charred-looking horns, complemented his fully matured facial features. His tall, slender appearance apparently attracted the desperate women, along with his eyes, a darkened gold standing out in his irises.

The grinning demon made its way across the floor, walking along the glassy ballroom slowly, as if tempting a womanly beast to attack its handsome prey. A tightening of his facial features signaled the fact that he had succeeded in finding his target. As his feet glided between the formed crowds, his feet landed him in front of a small woman. Her back was toward him, he could define her long, wavy auburn hair along the small scrunch of her shoulders. He could tell she was tense without even looking at her face. He approached her back, whispering in her ear of his childhood friend.

“What’s got you all nervous? It’s just a party, you can relax a li-“, She twirled around quickly, backing away from his false advance, alarming him slightly.

“What makes you think I can relax when I have been invited to the Royal Grande party? You remember what this party is, right? This is the biggest party, thrown by the royal family, and only the money grubbing idiots at the top of the food chain are invited. And last time I checked, I still worked on my family’s farm. At the bottom. So enlighten me Dax, why am I here?” she spat at him, her voice cutting through the restricted space between them. She faced him, and he noted the annoyance, realizing the annoyance and cautiousness present in her deep purple eyes and twist of her mouth. Dax then realized that he should calm her down a bit, as he didn’t want her to start a scene; that would definitely get her exiled. He smirked a bit, leaning over to peak with her at eye level.

“You are here because I invited you. If you were so against being here, then you should have declined my invitation before I got you a dress made by the royal tailors.” he quickly replied, he straightened, as she calmed slightly, a light blush dusted her cheeks. “You may not be a royal, but you certainly do look like royalty in my eyes, Danielle.” He extended a hand toward her, gesturing toward the multi-colored mermaid dress she wore as her blush deepened to a light scarlet. The dress consisted of deep red silk folded over the bust, lined with a sparkling golden sash, the fabric over her stomach extended to her knees with the same folded silk pattern, fading from golden yellow to emerald green to navy blue, ending with the dress poofing out at her calves with a thin see-through light purple material that lead into a darker shade. The dress look absolutely stunning on her, but she already knew his opinion on the subject.

“Y-you didn’t h-have to have your tailors make,” she gulped, fearing his response slightly, “a-a dress a fancy as this one.” She was shaking slightly from his earlier comment.

“Nonsense! I doubt any of the dresses you own in that little crummy closet of yours would look nearly as marvelous on you as this one. It’s my pleasure to be taking someone as beautiful as you to this party of the rich and obnoxious.” He was grinning from ear to ear, taking her small delicate hand into his large strong one, pulling her along to the ballroom floor. “May I have this dance, milady?” he asked politely, leaning over with one hand extended with the other wrapped around behind his back, his head bowed in respect. It was rare through, for her to see him behaving so well, for her to see him in the environment he was born in. She still smiled at him though. He was treating her as if she weren’t trash to be looked down upon, his attitude toward her being so careless when he had the fate of an entire country on those thin shoulders of his. She reached out her hand, placing it onto his.

“I would love to have this dance with the Prince of the Ball.” Danielle smiled at him, her infrequent smile that appeared as radiance that stood out in the crowd of rich demons, Dax dubbed it. He tugged at her hand quickly, pulling her body toward his as they began to dance. Their dance, the two thought of would become their shared memory in time of the moment that they stood alone against the world. Their feet shuffled along in sync with each other, their movements flowing from their brains to their feet as if they were dancing professionals while they had the knowledge of mere amateurs. While the loving bond between the two became unraveled in front of the bystanders through their footwork, they both knew that this night would be a great story to tell to their future children.

The author's comments:
This was just a little story that I wrote to follow along the urban fantasy genre.

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