Breathe | Teen Ink


June 14, 2014
By madplaid BRONZE, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
madplaid BRONZE, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Michael was completely still. Well, almost. His chest would rise ever so slightly, but you could only see that if you sat right next to him and stared closely. Which is exactly what Helen Garper did. She had lost count of the days she had spent by his side. She was waiting for his return and she wanted to be the first person he would see. No strange nurse’s face, no random janitor cleaning the room, but hers. He would appreciate that, the time that she had stayed by his side even though he wasn’t able to recognize it. She knew that it was selfish to want such a thing but she couldn’t help it. They loved each other so much when they were together. He had been there for her when she was in the hospital. He would bring her flowers and chocolate even though the nurses said she shouldn’t eat any sweets. It was only fair that she return the favor.

She missed him. She missed the way he would pick her up when she didn’t expect it and the nights they would stay in and play silly board games in front of the fire place. The time they had spent apart from one another was agonizing. Helen knew that he missed her, even though he couldn’t say anything to her. They spent so much time apart she was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to remember what he looked like. She couldn’t see his eyes with him in a state like this. Helen often thought of his eyes, how she could get lost in their deep shades of blue and gold. They were breath taking. Breathing, Michael was still doing that. There was hope though. She wanted to hold his hand, to pull him out of it. But he had to do this on his own. Suddenly the Helen noticed something…the machines had become silent.

Her throat clenched shut. Tears immediately began to form at her eyes. It was over. It was finally all over. She let out a shaky breath and began to cry. “Helen? Helen, is that you?” A familiar hand grasped her shoulder. Immediately she knew who it was.

“Michael!” she cried out his name, turned around and gave him the biggest hug she could. At this point they were both crying. Years of separation, she was forced to see him suffer all on his own. The day of her funeral had been the worst. It was on that night he went to alcohol for comfort. All she could do was watch as he climbed into their car. She couldn’t steal the keys or make him see the other cars. All she could do was watch. It had been infuriating.

“Helen, I thought I’d never get to see you again.” Michael choked on the words. He held her close, letting her cry into his shoulder. It felt good the see her again, to hold her again. “Does this mean” his voice trailed off. Helen looked up into his eyes; they were just how she remembered them. All she could do was nod her head and hold him closer. “When you died I didn’t know what to do.” He looked down, ashamed of his actions. “Please tell me I was the only one that” he motioned over to the bed. His body was still there. The chest was no longer rising though. The machines were silent, they were useless now. Any minute now a doctor or a nurse would come in and record his death and clear the room out.

“You crashed into a tree. You were the only one to get hurt.” He let out a heavy sigh of relief. “It’s over now. It’s all done with .We don’t need to worry anymore.” She rose to her tiptoes and gently kissed him on the cheek. It’s over she thought to herself. A smile crept across her face, he held her hand and they ventured into the beyond.

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