Swaying in the Wind | Teen Ink

Swaying in the Wind

June 5, 2014
By Brooke Poll SILVER, Gilford, New Hampshire
Brooke Poll SILVER, Gilford, New Hampshire
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Hey Kindra,” Blake said with a slight smile, walking toward me as our school’s fluorescent lights played shadows beneath his high cheekbones.

“Hola Blake,” I said softly, reaching up to give him a tight hug.

“How’s your day going?” he said, still holding me securely to him.

“Awful,” I said burying my face deeper into his shoulder.

“Why is that?”

“I don’t know—it just is, but it’ll probably get better,” I said with hope pouring into each word. I looked around at the white painted cinder block walls that bore down on our loneliness—why do we always have to be alone when we see each other? I thought to myself. Right then Blake pulled away from our hug, stood with his hands in his pockets, and looked at me and listened.

“I think part of it is allergies, but it’s probably just because I’m tired, you know?”


“I’ll probably be fine tomorrow if I just get some sleep,” I stated uncertainly as I rubbed my arms to keep from getting chilled.

“Well, we should probably get back to class,” Blake said as he reached for my hand. I accepted it and we walked the length of the hall. Blake and I walked synchronously, our footsteps landing at the same time. Left, right, left, right, I thought. A couple times I accidentally broke the continuity by stepping out of time a couple of beats, but restored the pattern a few strides later. Just before we came to the intersection in the upstairs hallway, we slowed to a stop. Blake and I stood facing each other with hands still intertwined.

“I’ll see you later I guess,” I said, hope manifesting itself once again.

“Okay,” he said as he reached down to place his arms around my waist so he could give me a hug. I brought mine up to rest on his shoulders and wrapped them around his neck. We hugged for a moment before we pulled apart some, allowing for a small space between us. Blake and I stood like that for a moment—seemingly close. He finally leaned in, so I did too.

We’ve been talking for five months, it’s about time! But oh my goodness, we ARE ‘a thing’ now I thought.


Kindra: Lyn lyn lyn!! Guess what??

Lyn: you better not say chicken butt

Kindra: haha No, we kissed today!!:) Lyn: you and Blake? NO WAY

Kindra: Yeah!!:))))


Blake: hey kindra

Kindra: Hola Blake:)


Lyn: wait was it on the cheek or what?

Kindra: It was definitely not the cheek. haha:))


Blake: i need to tell you something

Kindra: What do you need to tell me??:)


Lyn: so are you 2 ‘a thing’ finally?

Kindra: Sort of, I mean we didn’t say, but I think so.:) I’ll ask him about it later this week.:))

Lyn: Sort of isn’t fun.


Blake: i think we should stop seeing each other please dont be mad i still want to be friends

What! What did I do wrong? Oh my goodness, I must have done something I thought. Within a few moments my thoughts changed, I’ll just restore things with him tomorrow, it’ll probably turn out fine—no need to worry, just relax.

Kindra: Okay.

Blake: and keep the kiss between us


Kindra: Lyn… Blake and I aren’t a thing anymore…

Lyn: WHATTTTT. what just happened?

Kindra: He said he thinks we should stop seeing each other and to keep the kiss between just him and I. I’ll tell you about it in the morning at school, maybe he and I will work out his feelings tomorrow.

Lyn: Im sorry. and dont try, sounds like he was playing a game with you, hes not worth your time.


Blake: hey im soso sorry

Wait, did I really fall for his act? Why was I so stupid? Of course I can’t fix this. You can’t restore anything unless there was something there to start with.

Blake: kindra

Blake: hello??

Blake: you there

I look out at the midnight black and starry sky as I ignore his texts. The wind rocks me back and forth on my mom’s porch swing while I think about what I could possibly say back.

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