My Fortune | Teen Ink

My Fortune

June 28, 2014
By I_love_chicken BRONZE, Bay City, Michigan
I_love_chicken BRONZE, Bay City, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I got a text about an hour ago from my boyfriend and it said that he is going to pick me up in an hour to celebrate our 4 year anniversary. I put on a nice but casual dress on and did my makeup. Then I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and standing there is my boyfriend Philip. I hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek and put my shoes on and grabbed my purse. We left and he brought me to a Chinese restaurant. We went inside we got a seat and sat down. We talked about our day. He looked kind of nervous the whole time. After a little bit of time we got our food. After we got done eating we got our fortune cookies. He opened his and ate it. Then I opened mine and read it. It said ‘Will you marry me?’ I looked over and everybody was staring. I looked at him and he was down on one knee. I started to cry. I said yes and hugged him while a few people clapped. It was the best day ever.

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