Hey, you | Teen Ink

Hey, you

August 26, 2014
By tayrawr BRONZE, Enfield, Connecticut
tayrawr BRONZE, Enfield, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 You don't know who I am, but I know who you are. I adore who you are. You may not see it, but every little thing you do is perfection in my eyes. The sparkle in your eyes every time you laugh or smile is like cocaine to me. I get high off of your happiness. Which is why it kills me to see you so glum. I need to see you smile again. That's why I am writing you this letter. I need you to know that you matter, to me. So now I am going to list every little thing I love about you, no matter how creepy it may seem. I love your walk. I love the way you wear the same few outfits you love over and over again, even though your closet is full. I love the way you are so open about your feelings. I love the way your eyebrows furrow when you're upset. I love your taste in music. I love the way you are kind to everyone. I love the way you can make an instant connection with anyone. I love the way your hair is always a little messy. I love the way it always looks like you spent countless hours awake. I love the way you run your fingers through your hair when you're frustrated. Most of all I love the way you make me crazy, with our even knowing it. I really hope this letter gets to you, but I also really hope that you won't try and find me. I like my anonymity. It allows me to admire you from afar. So please, cheer up.


The author's comments:

Well, I think it's pretty obvious what inspired me. I hope that people will read this and it will bring their person to mind. Most of all, this is to make readers smile.

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