His Demons | Teen Ink

His Demons

October 6, 2014
By NaundiC BRONZE, Mayfield Hts, Ohio
NaundiC BRONZE, Mayfield Hts, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I put my heart and soul into my work, and I have lost myself in the process" – Vincent van Gogh

The days seemed to last forever in our tiny apartment lay two lovers with no intentions on leaving. We’d lie in bed for hours watching the sun smoothly set until a random knock at the door interrupted my lifeless gaze at your almost-to-ruins body, and yet with every flaw so visible you always appeared flawless. You’d push the covers over my head and sit over the edge of the bed hesitant to answer the door; I managed to get from under the covers to quickly grab your hand. You turned to me and I could see the hopelessness in your smile and as you leaned forward to kiss me I felt the pain drip off your lips onto mine. I clenched your hand then whispered in your ear “please” your face became emotionless and the lover I knew disappeared. I untightened my grip and watch your dying body gracefully walk to the door. The knocks continued repeatedly and I still laid in the same place growing un-easy because I knew exactly who was there for him. The room suddenly becomes quiet and all I could hear was Ronnie’s harsh voice talking to the man outside our apartment. I glanced up to see Ronnie grab something from the man’s hand pay him a couple of wrinkly dollars and rudely shut the door in his face. We made intense eye contact and a silent guilt floated along the hot stuffy air, I looked towards his hand as he tried to hurry up and hide the dirty plastic bag that contained a medium sized needle. Our eyes shifted to each other’s again and his eyes, his eyes were not the ones that made me weak, not the eyes that made me fall helplessly in love with him. This blank stare he gave me burned up my insides to a point where it hurt to look; I quickly turned away and heard his footsteps heading to the bathroom.  You told me over and over “This was the last time” and I so foolishly believed you. I walked over to the bathroom and glanced in to see you inserting the needle into your arm, vandalizing what was mine and tearing apart your priceless skin. I stood there and watched as you pushed every bit of that lie into your body; your head rolled back in deceiving pleasure and you unknowingly dropped the needle on to the floor. Although your body was being taking over by a long lasting high you noticed me standing there and asked
“If I exposed all my demons would my angels still attract you?”
Catching me off guard I did not know the answer to your question but you stared at me desperately wanting an answer, needing one. You got up and stumbled to the bed and I followed, you began to shiver then begged for me to hold you. I climbed on to our bed and put my arms around you and even though you always found your escape in these drugs, I was the one your hurt fell upon and you knew it. Around this time you’d start to cry and engrave tiny rivers on my arm and plead with me never to leave. The crying finally stopped and the rivers slowly died out it took me awhile to realize you fell asleep; I quickly fell into admiration due to your deadly beauty and kissed the scars down your arms trying to erase them. Trying my best not to wake you I slowly slid my arm from beneath your body and quietly got out of bed to gather my things. The answer to his question hit me as I walked out the door; I finally understood that his angels would soon not be able to fight his hurt if he kept letting his demons provoke him. I stood at the door with my things and was un-blinded to see your aching body lay there yearning for something I could no longer provide. I left my heart on the table next to the door because it no longer belonged to me.


The author's comments:

Connect with me in many ways, hope it does too for others!

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