Raining | Teen Ink


October 9, 2014
By Anonymous

As I loaded by luggage into the storage compartment of the bus one afternoon, I found myself caught in a daze, more of a daydream. I glanced around to note how the rain was falling – but it wasn’t the normal type of rain; it was the rain that appeared out of nowhere with the sun still shinning. The rain appeared just as he did, without any type of warning. Of course I had seen rain before. It wasn’t new to me and neither was he.
His name was Lee and I had known him my entire life. But as I stood in the rain and sunshine, I thought to myself, “‘known’ is a strong word” because yes, I did know of Lee, but I did not know him in the type of was I wished to at that moment.
I finished loading my luggage. I looked over to see if he was possibly out on his balcony. That maybe I would have some reverse Romeo and Juliet rendevu where Romeo would be the one to call my name and beg me to stay there with him – but he didn’t.
He was my Romeo in this instant. He was handsome, not in a fairy-tale prince type way, but in a simple way, a way in which intrigued me. Although I had only intimately met Lee a few days before, I already had felt as though I had him figured out. I knew him well: He was young, although his age did not agree, He was an open book, yet so full of secrets. He was incredibly innocent; yet I know I had seen a spark inside of him.
Lee was a social jackrabbit, not a butterfly. A butterfly would be graceful and quiet. Lee was not. Lee would bounce from group to group butting into every conversation that he could. Normally this characteristic would become a nuisance, but Lee was always welcomed by every person he met. Other girls found Lee attractive, of course; I knew that. But for some reason I felt as though the intimacy between us had been different. He asked me questions about myself. He had been interested in my personal life. For once I found myself being hopeful. Hope had never been my four letter word. Not because I did not believe in anything, but because I once believed in everything.
I snapped out of my daydream to realize how ridiculous I must have looked just standing in the rain, staring off as if I’ve been hypnotized; in a way maybe I had been? I was soaking wet, and I still had this dreadful six hour drive back to my hometown, but Lee would be with me. I set my pillow down in a seat. Then, as if my secret fairy-godmother had granted my wish, Lee’s pillow came soaring though the air and landed in the seat just diagonal to mine. I hid my girly, giggly smile to the best of my ability. Did he choose to sit there on purpose? Next to me? I didn’t know for sure, but in this very moment, the rain stopped.
The bus ride was full of laughs and conversation. We watch movies and sang the songs of the silly animations. I could not resist but to study Lee’s face as he illuminated with every song that played. I thought to myself how I was correct about him; Lee was young at heart with the most incredible sense of humor. I could not help but smile as he clearly enjoyed singing foolish songs about snowflakes and snowmen. As a girl who had had her share of failed relationships, nothing was more comforting than a partner who would laugh alongside of her. In my head, I already picture myself with Lee. We shared glances and flirty comments back and forth, but gradually the bus grew quiet with only the hums of snores. I scanned to see that only Lee and I were awake. Finally I saw my chance to create an impression. Lee began to chat with me about his music; after all he was in a band. He told me of all the dreams he had, and for once I was able to see that we could possibly have a future, that I could possibly be an option.
Six hours shrank to four, and then four hour quickly shrank to only one. I knew my time with Lee was limited. I tried my best to guarantee a sure capture of Lee’s attention, but I did not know if my attempt was successful. As we pulled into the parking lot I felt as though my stomach coiled into a tight rope. I did not want to leave Lee. I had grown accustom to him. He had occupied almost every thought of mine for the past couple of days, and now I was to go home and wait for an opportunity to speak to him again. I gathered my luggage from underneath the steaming bus and loaded it into my car. As I wrinkled into the seat, I turned to see if Lee’s eye were watching mine, and they were, but as I drove myself father from Lee, he did not wave or even mouth the words, “good bye,” and oddly enough, the rain began.
*          *          *          *
It rained for three days while I sat at my home, thinking of every single moment I was able to spend with Lee. Every feeling inside of me felt as though it wasn’t the end, yet I had no indication otherwise until one fateful night.
I was simply performing the chore of going to gather the groceries for my mother. But just as I was about to leave the busy building with my groceries, my luck seemed to turn for the better. Lee was parked only two spots away from me and happened to be loading his groceries. My heart began to beat erratically. My hands began to drip with sweat as I awaited the climatic, “hello,” from Lee. 
He embraced me with a hug. I knew my knees should have buckled, but by the grace of God, they stood firm. I flushed with embarrassment as I was sure he felt the pounding of my heart through my shirt. After a while, I realized I had spent thirty minutes chatting with my future lover. I noted how he spoke with his hands in the same fashion as an inductor would lead his orchestra. I observed the way he would shift his weight. I took note of the candy apple red conversable which held his weight against its doors. I pictured myself alongside Lee as we would most certainly be spending our warm, sunny afternoons in the same car in the near future. I then did not realize how soon that near future would be. After I complimented his vehicle, Lee spoke the words I had been anticipating for so long, “Would you like to go with me on a ride tomorrow afternoon?”
My mouth dropped – not like in those silly movies where it hits the ground, but just enough to display my eagerness. Finally, I had received my signal that Lee did in fact reciprocated feelings back towards me. I was on cloud nine.  I felt as though I were floating, feet lifted above the ground.
I respond with a simple, “yes,” and pretend to show only a minimum amount of interest in this inane ride around town. Lee told me of the place and time he would pick me up – the old gas station just two streets over at two o’clock p.m. We exchanged on final hug and then went our separate ways. Once I floated back into my car, I knew I would remember this extraordinary moment for the rest of my life.
I did not sleep. I tossed and turned the entire night long as I waited for the sun. Once it rose, it was the most beautiful day I had seen in weeks. It was warm, yet there was a breeze. The sun was shining, but it was not piercing. I rummaged through my closet trying to choose which outfit would possibly look the best. Which blouse and shorts would pair to leave the lasting impression on Lee that I desired? Finally I decided and made my way to my car to meet Lee.
1:45 p.m. Was I too early? It’s not lady-like to wait on a man. He should have been the one waiting on me. I didn’t care at that point though. I quickly made my way down my road and onto Main Street. I then was forced to stop at a red light. I looked up to appreciate the incredible weather. The sun beamed onto my skin and the warmth seemed to cover my face in glory. My heart was still pounding from the night before, but I could not control it. I knew that was my time to shine.
I was finally able to begin a relationship with the man of my dreams, or at least I had hoped. The closer I got to the gas station I began to hear sirens. I could not decide from which direction they were coming. As I topped the hill only half a mile from the gas station, I became paralyzed with disbelief. My stomach shrank and the food I had eaten only a few hours before seemed to soon be on the front of my blouse. I forced myself to hold back the scream inside of me for the sake of petrifying myself even more.
The candy apple-red convertible I had admired only 19 hours before was now flipped upside down and mangled into a pile of debris. I knew that was Lee.  In an instant my whole world was shattered. I soon learned that the night I stood in the parking lot, mesmerized by my Lee would be the last time I would ever speak to him. I got out of my car just to crumble into a pile on the sidewalk. Then out of nowhere the sky turned a horrific shade of black, and as if on cue it began to rain.

The author's comments:

A blooming relationship inspired me to write this short story. We are now in love.


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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 14 2014 at 1:39 pm
Brittany1996 SILVER, Waupun, Wisconsin
9 articles 1 photo 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game.

The story was okay, but there was quite a bit of grammer and spelling mistakes. Spelling and grammer mistakes in a story is not only lazy writing, but also distracting to the writer.