Crash | Teen Ink


October 23, 2014
By madisongraffin BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
madisongraffin BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the school year approached, Eliza was getting ready for the first day of 9th grade, her hair fell into long blond curls with faint brown highlights, she was someone everyone liked because she was considered the “full package”she was tall, skinny, long blonde hair, blue eyes, lots of friends, wealthy family and a big house. Eliza  was excited this year because she had classes with the boy she really liked even after they had broken up. The boy’s name was John john was a quiet and reserved guy he didn't really have any parent figures in his life since his parents were divorced and he lived with his mom who was always working so he didn’t make very good choices all the time. John absolutely hated Eliza because of past experiences with her, they had a love hate relationship and they both cheated on each other but they wouldn't admit it.  Finally the first day of school was here and Eliza had math first hour and she had remembered John was in that class “the perfect way to start the school year” she said in her head.

As the minutes flew by in math their teacher Mrs. Michelle noticed that Eliza didn’t seem normal but it was their first day so she thought thats just how she acted. Seconds later Eliza was laying in the back of the class on the floor. She sprinted to the back and was screaming Eliza’s name and tapping her and she was unconscious, CALL 911 she screamed to her students, John looked to the back of the class and turned completely white as he was speechless. The paramedics came bolting in the classroom running over everything in their way.  They rip the defibrillator out of their bag straight on to Eliza's chest and she didn’t budge. Tears run down John’s face as well as everyone else in the classes face even the teacher, “this cannot be happening” John repeated. As much as John hated Eliza he began to have feelings for her again he didn’t know why. The paramedics ran out of the classroom with Eliza on the stretcher and rushed to the hospital.

After school John went to the hospital because he wanted to check on Eliza. As they entered the room a musty smell filled the air and Eliza lay still in the white hospital bed. Quiet little beeps start to become more noticeable slowly the beeps started to sound like a million beeps never ending. The doctors came in with a defibrillator John hated to look at that it brought back so many negative thoughts like this could be the end of her life, and why is this happening so he left the room. The doctors said she hasn’t opened her eyes in 9 hours and hasn’t been able to breathe on her own either, hearing that brought tears to his eyes, John thought to himself this all happened 6 days after we broke up wow, so many memories came back of her when she was ok, she was such an outgoing and beautiful person. The next day at school he couldn't think about anything except Eliza it’s been a while since that happened the only thing he could picture was her flawless smile, blonde curly hair and her amazing personality and always being comforted by her.

The school day approached in what felt like seconds to John, he couldn't go back into that class he was scared and forever will be. As John walked into math he was being asked a million questions but was too upset to give any answers just thinking about it made tears in his eyes. John crying is the last thing someone could ever think of, being the captain of the football and basketball team people really looked up to him as a tough person. John secretly would check his phone during class to see if his mom called to say something about Eliza. He got a strange text from someone he replied who is this? the number replied back its Eliza. The biggest smile appeared on his face. She said “Hey John I just want to thank you for visiting me last night at the hospital even though I didn't know you were there it really meant a lot.  But I really think we should get together and talk about things and get them straightened out. You really had a big impact in my life and I want to continue having you in it. I will be back in school next week see you soon(;” Eliza was slowly getting better, she could breathe on her own and talk now.

As the beginning of the week approached John became very impatient just waiting for time to pass by and soon enough it was tuesday. Eliza came into the classroom avoiding everyone but John, “Oh my god John I feel like it’s been forever” He was speechless its been a while since they had a normal and serious conversation and this meant so much John. After school they met up at Johns house to do “homework” but that turned into a lot more than that. Eliza thought they should go to the movies so they did but since they were only 15 they didn’t have their license they had to sneak John said they could take his brothers car so they did. Neither of them knew what they were doing so they just experimented with the car, they pulled out of the driveway and onto the highway. They started hearing sirens, but they didn’t know how to pull over or stop the car. John slammed on the breaks and before they knew it they flipped the car over the side of the road and they were laying in a ditch, Both of them lay unconscious as the jaws of life cut through the car doors.

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