his challenge | Teen Ink

his challenge

November 23, 2014
By Anonymous

He doesnt find me attractive, ha the very idea. I find him attractive I find myself aching for him. If he knew how much i thougt about him, wrote about him, fantasised about him his head would get a million times bigger, cockey, arogant and confident. he could pick any girl in the school, in fact he has is own fan club who go to te effort of giving me dirty looks anytime Im near. They dont understand. No. The only reason I have his attention is because Im a challenge. A challenge to make me laugh, make me trust, make me do whatever he wants. Bend to his will. Not happening. Never. Any other girl would do exactly what he wanted, strait away. Dont, it will get you no where. Not that Im acheiving anything exactley I only annoy him, challenge him. His annoying, unpopular, ugly challenge which I will never let him win. Never ever, ever never. if that makes sense. it did to me. At the time at least.

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