When Sparks Fly | Teen Ink

When Sparks Fly

December 23, 2014
By Maria_Solis BRONZE, San Diego, California
Maria_Solis BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As Jake walked in her bedroom he noticed a pocket knife. He also saw that her laptop was opened. Jake knows Clarissa isn't the violent type of girl. As he opened the computer he saw an email from the "boss."

Zabryna Hernandez the typical pretty rich girl of high school changed so much after Jake West the bad boy of the school entered her life.

Will she survive all the orders she has to do? Or will this be another Romeo and Juliet based book?


Chapter 1: Introduction Love. What is love? Not love as in the one your parents have for you, but the love you have for someone in a relationship. From experience I can tell you girls don’t fall quickly for a guy. It’s one of the worst mistakes I’ve ever done. It will hurt a lot. It will also make you do really dumb stuff.
Zabryna Hernandez the prettiest girl in high school she has had everything she ever wanted since her family is rich. Everything in her life changed as she fell for the schools bad boy. Jake West. Ahh, Jake West cute bad boy. What Zabryna didn’t know was that he was involved in the world’s most dangerous gang. Mara Salvatrucha better known as MS-13.
Mara Salvatrucha is a transnational criminal gang that originated in the city of Los Angeles, California. Most of the gang members in this gang are mostly salvadoran. Since the creators or founders of the gang are salvadoran. It all began in 1980 when a group of salvadoran immigrants were being discriminated against because of their race. They were also tired of hiding from the police. So they gathered together everyday and started doing bad in order to survive.There are different cliques around the world within the gang. In order to join the gang you have to receive a beating from everyone in the clique you are with. Chapter 2: Chapter 1

Love. Oh how much love hurts. Has it ever happened to you that you like a boy and he finds out? But the worst part is when you find out that he doesn’t like you back and even worse he has a girlfriend. One of the most irritating people you will ever meet. Raised in Los Angeles, and 16 years old Zabryna has a crush on Jake West, the bad boy of the school. Yup, that is right me Zabryna Hernandez born on October 21st, 1998 the girl who has everything she has ever wanted has a crush on Jake West.
Jake West, the cutest boy in my high school. He has the dreamiest blue eyes and he has a natural tan. When he first came to BHHS, everyone wanted his attention, all the girls wanted to date him. But he already had a girlfriend, so he paid no attention to the girls here. Or so I thought. He was able to join the football team and soon after that he became the 2nd quarterback. I started liking him since he first walked in to my English class. Then we dated for about 2 weeks and then I found out he was doing me dirty. So I took the big step and decided to break up with him. This is how everything happened.

“Hurry up! Bri you’re going to be late for school,” my mom yelled from downstairs. It was the week before Thanksgiving break. I was so excited for Thanksgiving Break, my parents host a huge party for people in the block and we get together in our backyard for Thanksgiving Day.

“I am going to be in the car waiting for you,” she yelled again.
As I made my way downstairs I noticed that new people were moving in the house right next to ours. Great! That means more people are going to be at our Thanksgiving party.
“Good morning mom,” I said.
“Good morning dear,”
“I see we have new neighbors.”
           “I think this year’s party will be the biggest one ever”
“Mom you say that very year.” Then I got a picture message. It was a picture of the back of a “really cute guy,” as my friend stated. He was apparently new at our school. Well, I couldn’t wait to get to school and see it by myself.
I was late as always. As I walked in and sat in my assigned seat all the way in the back of the class the way I liked it, my best friend screamed “my princess is here!” I looked at him and started laughing. He has always had a crush on me. But I see him as a brother. His name is Enrique. We were both born in the same hospital and my mom and his mom met there.
As Ms. Jacobson our teacher was going on with her lecture on punctuation (boring topic by the way), the counselor walked in, with a really HOT guy trailing behind her. She then introduced him to the class.
“This is your new classmate, Jake West. I expect you guys to treat him nicely. Have a good day guys!” And with that being said she left.
“Alright let’s see, you can sit back there next to Zabryna. Zabryna raise your hand!” Ms. Jacobson said. I raised my hand slowly. He then made his way towards me and sat on my right side.
“Hello,” he said.
“Hey,” I responded.
“Jake and he took his hand out for me to shake.
“Zabryna, but I go by Bri,” and shook his hand.
As Ms. Jacobson continued her lesson I found myself repeatedly staring at Jake. But I couldn’t help it everything about him was perfect. He had a really cute face, and a very cute deep voice. And, most importantly he seemed to be really nice.  I started packing up because class was about to end. Jake then turned to me and asked me, “Do you know here Mr. Cortes’ class is at?”
“For AP Human Geography?”
“Yes,” he replied.
“I have him next we can walk together, if you want.”
“Okay, thanks.”
So we started walking and everyone was staring at us wondering if we were together already. Then my best friend came running to me.
“Hey Bri, guess what?”
“What? Before let me introduce Jake to you. This is Jake,” and then I turned to Jake, “this is Bella my best friend.”
“Nice to meet you,” he said.
“Nice to meet you too,” Bella replied, “Hey, let’s talk at lunch? I have to go or I’ll be late.”  With that she left running.
I had all my classes with Jake and in every class all the teachers told him to sit next to me. During lunch he wasn’t around I think he left to eat.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this piece was the documentary on Netflix about the worlds most violent gang. I live in what is called the "ghetto." I see everyday what people got through and sometimes the pain they suffer.

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