Crazy in Love | Teen Ink

Crazy in Love

December 11, 2014
By lauren Heile BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
lauren Heile BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Blue.  Blue is the color that describes Jake.  Mainly his eyes, which you know, everyone notices first.  But also his soul.  His beautiful soul seems to be as bright and pure as the sky on a cloudless day.  The first time I saw his blue eyes, I don’t remember.  We’ve been friends since we were young, too young for me to think of.  So I imagine the first time I saw him, his eyes startled my little baby self.  They were always big like this; big and blue.  Now of course as we grew up, we had lots of little friends, him more than me to be honest.  But it was okay because he always came running back to me after playing with the other kids; always back to me.  He knew so many things, oh, he was so smart.  He knew how to do any type of homework growing up, and he knew the most important trick of all; how to not upset me.  You see I get these anger fits.  There truly not a big deal.  The people I associate with know how to not upset me, so I rarely get them. 

Anyway, back to Jake.  We started going out in about 8th grade, I asked him and he just smiled his beautiful smile.  We were so happy, we were in love.  I mean, we’ve always loved each other of course, but this was real love.  It was tough though, you know how it is being an adolescent teen; the jealousy, the teasing, and of course the anger.  Jake was always there to calm me down though.  There was this one girl, she was a main source of my anger fits, McKenna.  Ugh, even her name leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.  She always clung on Jake, when I wasn’t around.  I would know though, I was always watching Jake.  I even saw when she kissed Jake after a football game!  Then when I heard that she was calling herself Jake’s girlfriend, I title that was mine! I knew I had to teach that little b**** a lesson.  But Jake calmed me down later and convinced me that I had needed to leave her alone. 

Jake and I both decided not to go to college, he had to take over his family business and I followed him wherever he went.  We share an apartment together, but he only comes home every Wednesday night at 6:00.  We have dinner and I talk about his life, since mine consists of staying in the apartment waiting for him.  He always mentioned something or another about that damn girl McKenna, she worked with him at the store I guess.  Anyway she doesn’t intimidate me, I am his true love, and we both know this. 

I didn’t even get upset a few years ago when I saw the picture of them at a wedding.  Jakes business must have helped out at the wedding because they were all dressed up in a tux and a white dress.  She looked fat in it.  She was so tacky, wearing a big white dress to a wedding?  I would be so pissed if I was the bride.  They also recently went shopping for baby things, her credit card receipt was in his wallet.  I always go through his wallet.  His I.D. picture is just perfect.  Anyway, while I was looking through it while he was in the bathroom, the receipt just fell out.  Jake just has such a kind soul, helping this girl.  I don’t like her one bit but for some reason Jake takes pity on her.  I guess it is because she is unloved by anyone.  She has never had a boyfriend of any kind.  At least Jake has never mentioned one.  And now I guess she is pregnant and still alone.  My sweet, sweet Jake, helping her out like that. 

Oh!  It’s almost 6’o’clock!  Jake will be here soon.  I have such a surprise for him tonight!  I’ve been reading a lot lately, most recently Romeo and Juliet.  I love how they showed their love by dying for each other.  So tonight, we will confess our own everlasting love for each other, and be our own Romeo and Juliet.  Oh Jake, my one true love.  My dying love.        

The author's comments:

I am not this crazy! 

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