Unvoiced Love | Teen Ink

Unvoiced Love

January 19, 2015
By Sameera Sepuri BRONZE, Delhi, Other
Sameera Sepuri BRONZE, Delhi, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The clock on the bedside table flashed 9 am, time for him to leave for the day. A moment that I greatly despised with all my heart and soul. The separation felt like a knife twisting its way through my gut. Raw, intense and completely overwhelming. There were times when I would feel like screaming and crying out in agony to cope with it. But alas, I have no voice; my lips are truly sealed for lifetime. And while I suffered in silence I would wonder if I were in his thoughts at least once through the entire day. I couldn’t help but envy how he never felt even a miniscule bit of my daily agony.

Love is rightly called a paradox, while it weakens our logic and causes insecurity; the very same love gives us the courage and inspiration to battle those fears. I further mused at the phenomenon one calls love. Poets compare it with lush, scarlet roses in full bloom not without a reason. The flower itself enamors one so much that one forgets all about the sharp thorns beneath. And yet as a thing of beauty is always a thing of joy, so is love.

I took in a deep breath to calm myself and started putting on my armor for the day’s battle. Every second I spent without him would make me feel so desolate. Like an empty, hollow shell. And to combat this I would always reminisce about our happiest moments together. These joyous thoughts were my patronus against the haunting dementors of loneliness. The power that happy memories can pack is sadly one of the most underestimated weapons in our world. In the hustle bustle of daily life one just dismisses the pure contentment these prized moments can infuse us with.

The day he chose me, it validated my existence. The day we had our first gig, the exhilaration we experienced. The day he realized that he wanted me for life, gave me importance over his family's opinion - never had I felt more special. His first struggle in his career and I was beside him throughout. His helpless and frustration on not being recognized for his talent, I was there to remind him not to give up. And when he got his first taste of success, I was right there to celebrate with him. These days I see him having established his career and achieving all his personal targets in succession, my chest puffs out with pride. It's certainly been a long 11 years of association for us.

Dedication and commitment are the two major tenets of a successful relationship. And yet they are the rarest qualities one finds amongst people. Makes me wonder sometimes just how rare are these guys? Luckily for me, we have never had any issues in this context. He is as devoted to me as I am to him. I could never offer enough gratitude to The Lord for his grace and benevolence towards us. With all these thoughts I continued my wait for him. For the moment he would walk in and embrace me in his warmth. When he would sit beside me and tell me all about his day. The joy of just being there for a person you love is and will always remain unparalleled.

After that he would sit down to draw up new plots or gags. I loved seeing him in his element, at his wittiest best. He would read them out for me and crack me up into hysterics. And every night before going to bed, he would gaze soulfully into my eyes and caress my cheek. This single act of compassion tells me just how much I matter to him. He may not be able to spend his entire day with me like before but the love and attachment hadn't ceased to exist.

I would watch him sleep seeped in calmness and serenity. The fact I could be with him at his most vulnerable state, watching over him. It would take away the weariness of my inability to sleep. People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, a person who shows you everything that is holding you back. And I knew from the bottom of my heart that he had done all that for me and even more. With each of these thoughts my heartbeat would quicken for a fraction of a second. He may control my limbs but he can never control the tiny heart that beats for him. Indiscernibly perhaps but beating all the same. And thus the tiny puppet on the table looked on with pure adoration towards the man who had managed to pull on her heart's strings.

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