Things Were Easier When... | Teen Ink

Things Were Easier When...

January 19, 2015
By Anonymous

Things were easier when I could call you up at 3:00am because I couldn't sleep and talk until the sun came. When we could drive around for hours without saying a word and just looking out at the surroundings.

Things were easier when we could tease eachother and joke around, knowing the other doesn't mean a thing they say. When inside jokes were said every other sentence and we were the only ones who would laugh out loud until we couldn't breath.

Things were easier when we would bake and cook all day long. When the food would end up on the counter or in our mouths before it reached the oven. When food would fly around the room and we would have to clean it up before our parents got home.

Things were easier when we saw eachother in Drivers Ed for the first time in a year. When the teacher would get mad at you when I was the one talking. When we would disrupt the class by laughing at a joke you told and how you would get embarrassed by my loudness.

Things were easier when we would sing christmas songs together, no matter the season. When you would ask if I went to your game, when you knew fully I did. When I was the one to make you smile and be your true self.

Things were easier when we would walk downtown together. When we would let everyone know how we cared for eachother and how nothing would get between us, at least that's what we truely believed.

Things stopped being easy when I saw you with her. Places that we would go to be alone, I saw that it wasn't our place anymore. When you no longer answered my calls at 3:00am, I knew things would get harder.

Things stopped being easy when we stopped talking. When your new girl thought I was a problem for your relationship and told you not to talk to me.

Things stopped being easy when we wouldn't spend anymore time together. When it went from days, to weeks, to months before you would even send me a text, asking how I was.

Things stopped being easy when I couldn't listen to Christmas music because it reminded me too much of you. When I couldn't go to games because I might run into you and her.

Things stopped being easy when you decided I wasn't good enough and had to find someone to replace me.

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