The Girl | Teen Ink

The Girl

February 10, 2015
By Domingo Barrera BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Domingo Barrera BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 The Girl

On a warm mid-summer day a teenage boy was on his way to the park. The weather was perfect to play basketball.  He got to the park and he noticed a bright pink bike. On that bike he saw the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. She had bright golden hair with a mixture of light brown. Her skin sparkled in the sunlight. The wind blew through her hair making her look like a princess on a chariot. He watched her ride her bike until she faded away. From that day on he continued to go to the park and watch her ride her bike every day without being noticed.
Then one day the boy went to the park to find that she wasn’t there. He looked for her and could not find her. Little did he know that she had hid from him to see why he kept watching her. She had hid in a tree and watched him. She watched him for 5 minutes then jumped down to go and meet him. She ran up behind him and said “why have you been watching me?” The boy stood there not knowing what to say.  She asked again but this time with a little more frustration in her voice.  He said quickly “because I think you’re really pretty…”
At that moment she felt her face begin to turn red. She quickly looked at her shoes so the boy wouldn’t see her blush. She said softly “you think I’m pretty?” There was a silence then the boy said “yes I think you’re the prettiest girl in the world.” He lifted her chin by his finger and he locked his eyes with hers. As they looked into each other’s eyes the boy leaned in and he softly kissed her and she kissed him back.

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