Sober Emotions | Teen Ink

Sober Emotions

February 16, 2015
By Dyjanae BRONZE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Dyjanae BRONZE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's about mastering the skill of ignoring ignorance.- Rihanna

Sober Emotions

February 16,2015

“Harris, get your head in the game!”, yelled Coach P. Desai Harris, 17 year old football player at Green Valley High, absently stares at the coach due to a hangover from the party the night before.

“ That’s it you are out of here, get off the field now, Harris!” Coach said firmly & angrily. He did not know what was up with Desai’s behavior lately, but it was getting out of hand, and he began to worry.

“ Man you trippin, this team Is nothin without me. If y’all loose then I know who to blame.” uttered Desai with annoyance.

Desai stormed off the field and into the locker room, and pulled out a container with Tylenol in it. He took 2 pills to ease his unbearable headache. His eyes were red and puffy. He took a paper towel and began washing the sweat off his face, staring at himself in the mirror. Desai felt his face get hot, and his stomach had a sharp pain. He then reached in his bag and grabbed a small bottle filled with alcohol, and drank it not noticing Coach P had walked in a few seconds before.

“ Get up & come here.” Desai sauntered over to him. Coach P had smelled his breath and stared at his eyes. “ Are you mad?” “It’s Illegal for you to be drinking under the age of 21.”, he said through rigid jaws. “ I’m disappointed in you Harris.”

“I was just havin some fun last night coach chill. It’s no big deal. I wouldn’t have a problem if you wasn’t always in my face!” Desai said angrily through clenched teeth.

The next morning Desai arrived at school, rushing through the hall to buy some time from being late, then he bumped into the most beautiful girl his eyes had ever seen. She had hazel eyes, curly hair, and a smile that lit up the room in a way no other could. She was fairly skinny and appeared to be nervous about something. The look on her face seemed low, but she still managed to smile.

“Hey sorry, I was in a rush my names Desai,” Desai whispered as if he would scare her. He reached his hand out to help her up, and she grabbed his hand gently as he helped her up, grabbing her books and papers that had been dropped.

“ I’m Grace it’s no problem, thank you”, she said with a smile.

“Hey I know this is really soon , but would you um like to go on a date with me tomorrow afternoon?

“ I would like that Desai, it sounds great i’ll be ready around 5”, Grace said with a smirk and widened eyes.

“ Great I’ll see you soon I have to get to class.” Desai announced.

For the remainder of the day Desai couldn’t keep his mind off of Grace. Everything about her made him feel great. He went home that night and picked out the best suit and tie he had. He just couldn't keep his mind off of her. He swore it was love at first sight. 

The very next day he picked up Grace at exactly 5:00 and he handed her a vase with daisy's and a note inside. Grace set the gift on her dresser and they headed off to dinner at Eddie Merlot's (one of the hottest restaurants in town.) They both started off ordering steak and salad as a side dish.  They felt so alive and elegant they drank wine and got to know each other better. It was as if the two were meant to be together they had this strong connection and they both felt it. 

It soon reached 9:00 and Desai wanted to get grace home safe and sound.
"You know I really had a great time with you tonight, Desai. No one has been able to make me smile as much as you have tonight. " said Grace.

"That really means a lot to me I don't know why, but I'm really into you and I want to impress you and make you mine. I see something in you." Desai admits

"Awe your so sweet, but you don't need to impress me I already like you, silly. " Grace said as she gently kissed Desai. She walked into her house, waving goodbye as Desai drove off. She smiled faintly and couldn’t wait to see him again.

Desai was so excited that he pulled the bottle of vodka he had wedged in-between his seat out and began drinking it. He drank so much he didn't feel a buzz he didn't even realize he was drunk. He pulled out his phone and texted Grace: I hope you enjoyed your gift it came from within my heart.He then continued to drink what was left inside of his bottle. Suddenly, he swerved out of control and slide off the road and into a large oak tree. His car soon burst into flames. The heat was burning his skin and Desai could not withstand the intensity of the flames. He reached into his pocket, grabbed his phone, and dialed 911 as he tried to escape the burning car.

"911 what's your emergency?" The operator asked him in a calm voice.

"I can't get out of my car. I'm trapped and it's burning down. I'm on south wexford road." Desai said panting in-between breaths.

"Help is on the way, hang in there."

Desai could no longer withstand the flames burning his skin and he burst the car window and threw his cellphone out, but he couldn't get his body through the window and he passed out as the flames took over his body.

The police, ambulance, and fire trucks arrived moments later. The flames were intense.  It took roughly half an hour to get them to settle. They then searched the area and found Desai's precious body laying there all burned.  The ambulance covered him up and they searched for evidence of what happened.  Suddenly they found his cellphone which had been tossed about 6 feet away from the scene. An officer picked it up and went through it and contacted his mother and Grace informing them on what had happened. They soon took his body to the hospital to examine it.  Shortly both Desai's mother and Grace arrived with tears filling there eyes as they witnessed Desai's lifeless body lay on the table.  They were hurt more than they could imagine.

Grace went home later that night with tear stained cheeks and examined the beautiful gift Desai had given her earlier that day. She picked the note up and it read:

Dear Grace,  I know I haven't known you long, but I feel as if we should be together.  Forever.  No matter what happens you'll be able to be with me. Inside at the bottom of the vase are gems.  Each time you need someone or feel lonely pick one up and go outside.  It'll show you things I have  experienced throughout my entire life. When it fades into the air that means What I wanted to show you is over I love you goodbye Grace. And with that Grace went outside and took a gem with her and watched the beautiful image it displayed, and whispered Rest in heaven Desai Harris.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because we were doing a project at my school on the Mysteries of Harris Burdick and I chose Oscar and Alphonso, and I used the picture to write a completly different story. 

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