First Sight | Teen Ink

First Sight

March 6, 2015
By Satoria BRONZE, Petal, Mississippi
Satoria BRONZE, Petal, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

High school is something that every pre teen looks forward to, especially Khrista.  It was August 7th and she was just about to embark upon her journey as a high school freshman.  The night before she took the time to plan what uniform she would wear with which accessories, the hair style she would have, and which perfume would intrigue the guys more.  To her dismay the first day of high school was not at all what she expected.  The boys were not nearly as cute as she had seen on tv and there seemed to be a dramatic gap between the seniors and the freshmen.  Obviously there are two different grades between 9th and 12th, but is seemed as if the students went from 14 to 24.  Her classes made her feel like she was either in elementary school or on an episode of Real World, and the cafeteria food was the same slop she had the year before.  The only things that enthused her about the first day were her classes with all of her bestfriends and the snow cones at lunch.  For the first week of school each day was the same as the one before.  The same style of lectures, the same sloppy teenagers with the same drama about who made out with who's boyfriend, and who was seen with who at the football game last Friday.  Her days continued to remain repetative.  That was until August 21st.   She was sitting in English watching the clock... 3:15,... 3:20,... 3:25,... 3:30, a long bell sounded and Khrista dashed through the door.  As she hurried to her bus a beam of light caught her eye. No, it couldn't be.  Was it? It was. Jason.  The kid that was always overweight with a stupid grin that was jollier than Santa Clause's.  Boy had he grown into a fine piece of artwork.  The sun beamed down on him causing a radiant light to reflect off of his skin, his once bucked teeth were now being corrected with braces, and the chubby stomack he used to have was now flat and was being complimented with the biceps in his arms.  Before she knew it, Khrista was standing in front of him taking part in a conversation that would change the rest of her life.

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