Taking Back Sunday | Teen Ink

Taking Back Sunday

March 19, 2015
By sophomoric- BRONZE, Damascus, Maryland
sophomoric- BRONZE, Damascus, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was ten o'clock on a Sunday summer night that I fell in love with you.


The kiss you planted on my lips sent my head spinning. All the years I had fancied you, all the memories we had, they all came flashing to mind. After chasing and chasing, I finally believed you had truly become mine. And it didn't take much for my heart to fall.


I dreamed about you that night.


Butterflies came to my stomach when I saw you the next time, and we snuck out that night. You held me like I was your own, yet we were a secret. You kissed me like you were proud, yet you didn't tell anyone about us.


I was ready to show you to the world.


I don't remember what night it was, or how many times we had snuck out before, but I remember wanting to call you mine. I asked what should consider each other, and your answer was not the one I wanted to hear.


I was not ready to be your 'friend with benefits'.


I continued to love you, I continued to let you use me. The loss of you would make my world even worse. The loss of you would send me crashing. 


I lost you anyways.


For nights I cried myself to sleep.


Now I'm taking back that sunday, and forgetting all the memories.

The author's comments:

i'm loosing my inspiration.

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