Should I trust or leave | Teen Ink

Should I trust or leave

April 8, 2015
By Anonymous

Micey and Hakeem gets engaged and has graduated from high school. Problems happened when they were in high school that is still on their minds and just is too hard to stop thinking about it. Micey never told it to anyone except her beloved friends. Now Micey, Hakeem, and their friends stand tall for the worst.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Graduation Party

Hakim and I went to the after graudation party. I couldn't stand to take an eye off my engagement ring! It was breath taking


"You alright babe," Hakim asked as we drove to the after party which was at Traye's apartment.


"Nothing just cant ge this eye off this ring it's beautiful Hakeem thank you and how did you afford this," I asked still looking at the ring that I promised Hakeem I wouldn't take off.


"Your welcome babby and a man gots his ways,"Hakeem said looking at me from the corner of his eyes.


"What kind of ways," I asked finally looking at him for the first time we ever stepped foot int the car.


"Man to man ways."


"What kind of man to man ways," I said seriously.


"Micey chill it's cool now I got the ring proposed to you, you said yes, and that's it. The wedding is in 2 months so that's cool right," he asked when we parked near Traye's apartment.


"Oh no its not. You better not be taking no drugs or selling any drugs. I'm serious Hakeem," I said making my voice high. I didn't mean to get all out of tone like that. I just needed to know.


"No no drugs at all I'm clean and we can go to the doctor tomorrow since you want to know so badly," he said while we was still in the car.


"Sorry for not believing you. I just wanted to know because my boo ain't gonna be selling no weed to those other crack heads down the road," I said talking even more country than I had ever did.


"Alright Ce Ce love you," he said leaning to kiss me.


"love you too boo," I said in between the kiss and rubbing his left cheek.


We got out of the car to see almost everybody here and it was almost night already. Yana, one of my closes friends, was doing the red nose on her boyfriend Jay'Von while he had a burger in his other hand. Both of them so crazy, I thought to myself. 


"Look at Jay having the time of his life and taring down on a slaw sandwich hey Jay wait up man," Hakeem said running to catch up with him.


"Hakeem," I screamed his name so he coud here me.


"I'm going to get a sandwich babe. You want one too," he asked running back to me.


"No, I just want a grilled chicken sandwich," I said rubbing my stomach cuz it kinda seemed like me and the two babies in my stomach agreed to that.


"Okay, I'll be right back," he said running back his direction.


It took 5 minutes until he came running back with a slow and grilled chicken sandwich plate with some punch. 


"Come on babe we cane eat over here where the bench," he said walking me to the bench. We talked about the babies and Hakeem talked about naming the boy Hakeem Jr. He even talked about teaching his son how to play football of course "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you."


"Tell me what," I said in shock.


"You know when we used to go to the football games here?"




"And when everybody was talking about number 73 is the best player on the team and they said the football team is going to be a NBA team in Los Angelos?


"You seem so interested in football too. How come you didn't try out," I asked curiously.


He chuckled.


"I'm serious Hakeem."


"But that's why I'm laughing," he said smiling at me.


"I'm confused," I said taking a bite of my sandwich.


"I'm already on the football team," he said suddenly.


"Wait what," I said finally looking at him.


"I'm number 73 Micey. I'm the star player on the team and everything I just wanted to tell my beautiful fiance that too because she deserves to know and to know that she, her sister and friends are moving to Los Angeles in a house for the both of us," he said kissing my hand.


"Oh my god, your number 73 and were moving to Los Angeles oh my god when Hakeem," I said jumping up and down.


"In two weeks so we will start moving any time you like your the guest of honor," he said standing up and bowing down to me. I giggled to that.


"The day after tomorrow would be nice," I said blushing when he stood me up and spun me around.


"Alright it works for me two love birds," Traye said walking with Tamika, my sister, by the arm.


"Uh Oh hey sisy," I said hugging her tightly. "Can you believe both of us got engaged on the same day," I said excitedly.


"I know right," she said jumping up and down with me at the same time. We looked right back at Traye and Hakeem which was on the ground laughing like they was having a seeger.


"Oh my god what's so funny," I said with hands on my hips. I kicked Traye on the knee and Tamika Kicked Hakeem there too.


"Agh why yall did that for," they both said at the same time which made me laugh.


"Okay married or not yall two still lok like blood brothers to me," I said looking at them while they struggled to stand up.


"Now we asked why y'all was laughing at us," Tamika said impatiently.


"Cuz we was laughing out of joy boo," Traye said getting up and holding her shoulders.


"Yeah babe we was just playing around," Hakeem said standing back up and kissing me on the nose. He knows I hate that because He's so taller than me. That's his way of picking on how short I am.


"Whatever so what y'all want to do now since it's our special day," I said pumped up.


"I don't know lets dance in the room where the lights are flashing everywhere making it look like a club in there," Hakeem said grabbing my hand and taking me to the room followed by Traye and Tamika. We were alldancing and having a good time. We danced on Rich Homie Quan "bout dat life", Rihanna "Pour it up", and Rich Homie Quan "bosses." We was slow dancing to Rich Kidz "feel this flow."


"How's this dance so far babe," Hakeem asked me.


"It's great boo it seems like a dance at the prom a little bit."


"I don't think so," Hakeem said with an evil smirk on his face.


"What's that suppose to mean," I said looking at him side ways.


"Nothing," he said really fast.


"Naw tell me Hakeem what you thinking about now," I said between his ears.


"Something special just wait," he said looking at me leaning for a kiss. I kissed him with pleasure.


"Love you," he said in between lips.


I broke up the kiss in curiosity. 


"Why do you say that everytime we kiss babe?"


"Because I mean it. Why wouldn't I mean it and I'm taking care of our children with you and they will be here in four months," he said smirking at me while I blushed a little.


"Oh okay," I said hugging him while we slow danced.


It was twelve o-clock straight when we got done slow dancing.


"Babe what you want to do now but it your sleepy we can do whatever tomorrow evening," I said shrugging my shoulders when we was driving home from the party.


"I got something planned for tomorrow sugarplum," he said giving me a smutch when he looked at me.


"Okay I can't wait," I said when he walked me to my front door.


"I'll see you tomorrow wifey," he said kissing me. I was blushing when he nick name me wifey.


"Alright I love you hubby," I said in between the kiss.


"Love you too," He gave me one last kiss and walked to his car. When he drove off I finally went in the house and took a shower and went to the bed. In two days we will be moving to Los Angeles with Hakim being the number 1 player on the football team. And I can't wait for our date. :))


Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Unthinkable


All of us got done with our breakfast. We got out the diner and headed to our departments to pack up our valuable stuff and clothes. Hakeem already packed his stuff so he helped me with my stuff.


"Babe you want me to help you pack your bra and panties," he asked smirking at me.


"Whatever Hakeem you aint going near my undergarments," I said packing my undergarments first before he could even land a hand on them.


"Make sure you label them so I can know which ones the panties and which one the bras," he said smirking at me still.


"Shut up Hakeem oh my god," I said getting a little irritated at him.


"Alright alright I'll stop," he said laughing after he finished his sentence. I was packing my hello kitty alarm clock until my phone ringed. It said 'Kitty' on the screen. Wow. We never talked in so long either.


"Hi Kitty how are you, it's been a long time girl," I said into the phone.


"I'm not surprised," she said a little rude.


"What do you mean by that exactly," I asked curiously.


"I'm asking the questions here missy," she said almost yelling into the phone.


"Kitty calm down, what are you talking about," I said getting irritated. I looked at Hakeem. He paused in silence looking at me to see what was going on.


"You don't remember the post you put on FaceBook," she asked with her voice even louder than the first time.


"I didn't post anything about you kitty," I said truthfully.


"Stop lying you mutha-


"Don't be trying to cuss me out through this phone Kitty," I said getting highly p*****.


"You already know you put it up there so leave me alone and learn how to butt out of peoples business," she yelled before I heard a click at the end of the line. I ran and laid across my bed feeling so bad about myself. Somebody hacked my page!


"What was that all about," Hakeem said laying on the bed beside me comforting me.


"Someone hacked my page. They had to because there was an inappropriate post about Kitty that I don't even know about," I said laying my head on his chest.


"Then let's see what they put up there and if I laugh I'm sorry," he said logging out his page and letting me sign in to my facebook page on his phone. I logged in and looked on my profile page. The post was the first one up there and it had almost 2 thousand likes on it. It read, "Kitty Kitty Kitty. Kitty is a no good big nose little pest. She look like a cat forreal. Her whiskers proves it on her face instead of her mustache." Hakeem laughed to himself. I punched him in the chest.


"Really Hakeem. this is serious. Someone hacked my page and post that negative post like 10 minutes ago."


"Wait did you say 10 minutes ago," he said looking serious now.


"Yeah what's your point," I said a little confused.


"My friend Torso is one of the people that helped create FaceBook. He can tell us," he said getting his phone from me and calling Torso and getting my phone to do the work. It took at least ten minutes. "Micey," Hakeem said a little nervous.


"What," I said shocked.


"I knew that girl couldn't be trusted the first time I met her," he said.


"Who," I asked snatching the phone from him. When I saw it, Hakeem was right. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was my bestfriend before I she moved from Mississippi.

Jasmine Liners.

The author's comments:

The books that I read online inspired me greatly to write this book. I hope you guys really love reading it as much as I did when I wrote it. Thanks :)!

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