Letters From a Lover | Teen Ink

Letters From a Lover

July 28, 2015
By Ryan01 BRONZE, Fort Drum, New York
Ryan01 BRONZE, Fort Drum, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You know that crazy heart of yours? The one with lightning crackling and moonlight shining through it. The one you've been told not to trust because it often led off the beaten path. The one so many have misunderstood your entire life. Trust it.

Dear Luke,

I haven’t seen you in a week. Since I told you I was in love with you. I remember exactly what happened that day.

We were laying on the roof of my house. It was midnight and we were looking at the stars like always. You played with my hair and I secretly watched you. You looked beautiful in the moonlight. I could almost imagine you laughing at me if you knew I called you beautiful. I didn’t even plan on telling you, the words just slipped from my mouth. Your hand froze in my hair and that blinding smile slipped off your face.

“What?” You had asked me and I felt my stomach drop. You sounded disgusted and I felt like throwing up.

“I-I said I’m in love with you.” I had stuttered back and wanted to kick myself for stuttering. You had shot up to your feet faster than I had thought was possible.

“I have a girlfriend! I’m in love with her!” You had snapped at me, keeping your voice low so you wouldn’t make my family up. I didn’t know what to say, I had pictured it differently in my head. You kept ranting and I wanted to cry.

“You’re like my sister!” You whisper-yelled at me and crawled back through my window. I had followed you back and we both went through the front door. You had turned around and your hands were gripping your hand.

“Don’t follow me!” You snapped before you got into your truck and slammed the door.

I went by your house the next day, your mom said you were out but we both know she was lying. I came back a few days later and this time, she wasn’t lying. You left town, went to stay with your brother who’s in college. Your mother hugged me while I cried. I wanted to hate you but I couldn’t.

I ran into your girlfriend. I wish I was her. She doesn’t know where you are; I thought you’d tell her since you’re in love with her. She told me that you talk about me all the time. She said that she used to be jealous of me because she thought you liked me. She says she still thinks you like me. She hugged me while I cried.

I’m giving this letter to your mother. She says she’ll give it to you when you come back. I think I’ll take a leaf out of your book and leave for a while. I don’t know, I might go somewhere like Paris or Los Angeles. I doubt you’d care but I thought I’d tell you, just in case.



Dear Audrey,

I got your letter when I came back; I remember that day clearly too. I wanted to take it back as soon as I got in my truck. But I couldn’t, I was so ashamed of myself. As soon as I got home, I started packing my things. My mom woke up and made me tell her what was wrong. I told her I had this weird feeling in my stomach when you told me you loved me. She hugged me while I cried.

    I didn’t tell my girlfriend where I was. I don’t know why I didn’t but I’m not in love with her. I don’t know why I said that I was. She knows I’m not in love with her and I know she doesn’t love me. We broke up right before I left. It took me a week to figure out what that weird feeling in my stomach was. I’m in love with you. I’m so in love with you that it’s physically killing me when I remember your reaction to what I said.

    I don’t know why I overreacted and it kills me. I saw your face, you looked like I had kicked you. I have never hated myself more than in that moment. You trusted me and I left you in the middle of the night. My brother smacked me when I told him the story. He loves you like a little sister. He hugged me while I cried.

    When I got back, my mother gave me your letter. I hated myself when I read what I did to you. She told me to fix this because she loves both of us and she said she wanted grandchildren. She told me you went to Paris and that you gave her your address. She said she’d mail you this letter after I found you. She doesn’t want you to know I’m coming. I promise you that I’m going to fix this. I’m going to bring you flowers and treat you like you deserve you to be treated. I can’t forgive myself and you probably won’t ever forgive me but I’m hoping you will someday.



The author's comments:

I left the ending up to interpretation so you can come up with your own ending. Does she accept his apology? Or does she deny him?

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