Long lost Love | Teen Ink

Long lost Love

October 25, 2015
By Angel.0003 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Angel.0003 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Rebecca finally after 23 years meets her long lost love whose name is jack. she had left him for a reason we are not aware of. After the 23 years Jack begs Rebecca to take her back. the story ends with her saying "heres my card" leaving the reader in suspense as to what will happen next 

Chapter 1: The encounter

I took one last look and scanned every word written on the papers. I then forcefully shoved everything right into a rectangular smooth jet black briefcase. And from there little by little I was out the door.  A strong wind had firmly pushed in on me. Slowly breathing in and out, I began walking my way through the booming and hectic streets. “There goes another day,” I whispered to myself. Suddenly a thought came to mind. I missed him.
From my left there was the park where him and I would spend most of our days together sharing our limitless dreams we planned for our future together. Sadly those dreams didn't work out the way we planned. Walking towards the fairly vast tree infested park, I had developed a strange feeling. There it was. That same hard, gray stone bench with a weared out wooden plank completing its structure. I had the feeling of nostalgia wishing I could go back in time and talk to him. After gazing at the bench for a long while, I finally decided to take a seat and from that moment all the memories began rushing back into my mind continuously like a broken tape going on a countless loop over and over again never daring or wanting to stop. It was all over. I was back in reality. He was my first love. My love for him was brighter than the sun's radiant shine on a warm summer afternoon and deeper than the massive ocean that holds all the water. It was that moment where I could not stop thinking about him. I needed to calm down. I needed to stop. I needed him.
I sat in the park for quite a while letting out a quiet weep until I heard my name being called out. “Rebecca is that you?” A familiar voice said. I wiped the tears that were trickling down from my face and turned around staring down at the concrete floor. The man did not say another word. A moment later I decided to look up. The second my eyes spotted the man, there was not a sound in the world but the man's voice and my rapidly beating pulse. It felt as if an army of insects began crawling all around my body causing me to shiver. My adrenaline began to pump. There was no air for me to breathe. It was him. And from there I had let out a deep breath and with a broken down voice i simply said, “Jack?’
Was this real? Was it not? I stood up from the bench and walked towards Jack. The man who had always had my heart. The heart that had belonged to him and only him.
I began to shed many tears as I stroked his soft straight brown hair staring deep into his bright jade green eyes the same way I did 23 years ago when we were both madly in love with one another. He came closer to my face and had pecked me on the cheek. I moved away still gazing at him and asked, “How are you? How has everything been?”
“I’m fine. Life's been okay for me i'm an architect now and i've been working on some new recent projects and i've had a girlfriend now for 5 years. Tell me how have you been these years? He asked.
“I've been well. I'm married and I have a daughter and well i'm a lawyer now just like I always dreamed” I said.
“It feels so good seeing you after this long. Rebecca I miss you. I miss us. I miss everything we’ve done together. I miss everything we’ve been through. I'm still in love with you. There's not a day where i don't think about you. I told you I meant it when I said you are the love of my life. That day i told you how i feel but you left. I didn't do it i promise you i didn't. It wasn't me. You never let me explain that day. You just walked away. You said we were to last forever. you said we would build our own family together. But it wasn't me who left it was you and you broke that promise we made. Rebecca you are the love of my life and i want to spend the rest of my life with you please give me another chance. I’ll leave my girlfriend right now and we can run away and leave this place and live the life we wished to have,” Jack said.
“Jack i still love you but don’t you think it was meant to be like this? Why should i give you another chance? You were the one who messed up everything,” I replied back.
“You don't know what happened. Just let me explain. i want to have a second chance with you. Please im begging you,” he said with a tears running down his eyes. I looked at him for a bit longer and then I reached into my handbag looking for my wallet.
“I have to go. Here’s my card.”

The author's comments:

what inspired me was different stories i heard my friends talking about with regarding relationships which gave me an idea of putting a mix to the story

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