A Letter to Someone That I Used to Know | Teen Ink

A Letter to Someone That I Used to Know

December 1, 2015
By Camx25 BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
Camx25 BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There are those of us that are live and there are those of us that are living, I personally want to be the latter"

My dearest Friend,

I think about you quite often, more often than I care to admit, really. There was a time when we used to know each other, arguably better than we knew anyone else. It’s a rare thing to be able to understand someone, not just think you understand them, but to really fully understand who they are; to know exactly what makes them smile and exactly what makes them cry. I used to know everything there was to know about you. I knew that you had and could read the Harry Potter Series over and over until the books were so worn out that you had to buy another copy. I knew that your hair would be bunched up around your ears when you woke up. I knew that you always smelled like lilacs and mint, not by your own will, but because your mom didn’t want you wearing Axe like some frat boy. I knew that you liked the left side of the bed because I liked to sleep on my right side. I knew by the blue in your eyes how you were feeling. Light blue meant sleepy, normal blue meant happy, greenish-blue meant angry, and deep grey-blue meant excited. I think sometimes I knew you better than I knew myself. It’s an odd thing to know someone like that, someone like you, and then to realize that I no longer do.
I’ve done things, so many things I regret, and you're still the one person I want to tell all my secrets. I want to tell you about the boys who’ve broken my heart, and the girls that have made fun with it. I want you to hold me, to cry with me, to be mine again. But you, dear friend, are gone now. You're off living your own life, dreaming dreams, and experiencing everything that is crazy world has to offer; and I couldn’t want anything more for you than that. I love you, and I will always love you, but until we meet again my friend, I leave you with a few kind words.
From the moment we met, many years ago, I belonged to you and you belonged to me. Like Romeo and Juliet we were written in the stars, and always your name will be tattooed across my heart. I will remember every moment of happiness that you gave me, every memory we share, and every dream we dreamt, that is a promise I will give only to you. And one day, in the years to come, we will be together again, and I count the days. I wish on you all the luck that I have, and all the happiness the word has to offer. Just remember that somewhere in Ohio there's a tall brunette thinking about you.
All of my love,
Someone You Used to Know.

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