Madison and Parker | Teen Ink

Madison and Parker

December 17, 2015
By dubstepgirl BRONZE, Riverside, California
dubstepgirl BRONZE, Riverside, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


MADISON :  a tall 5’7 girl with blue eyes and a pair of ray bans on her head , she’s a  waitress at the restaurant called FOOD AND MORE  
PARKER :  a 6’1 sort of guy . he has grayish eyes , black hair , and has black rimmed glasses . He’s ordering food . 

MADISON : ( walks to Parker's table and hands menu)

PARKER  : oh , thank you

MADISON :  Do ya’ know what ya’ wanna drink ? 

PARKER  : Well , can i have a minute ?

MADISON  : Sure thing sweet cakes ( walks away ) 

( clangs  from kitchen )

MADISON : ( walks to parker's  table and hands him menu )
PARKER : About time , i’ve been here ages

MADISON : ( motions hand around crowded restaurant ) well we kinda are low on staff so ….. 

PARKER  : That’s not my problem. Now where’s the manager ? 

MADISON :  ( gives a glare ) That’s me 


(clangs from kitchen  )


MADISON  :( walks to parker’s table and hands him a menu )

PARKER : I see it’s a busy night

MADISON : yeah , it's the saturday rush ( smiles )

parker : that sucks

MADISON : yeah it does . Anything to drink ?

Parker : sprite with a lime

Madison : a sprite with a lime

parker : just kidding , but your number would be nice .

( clangs from kitchen  )

MADISON : ( Walks over to parker's table and hands him the menu)

parker : Oh, thanks but i've already decided what i would like

madison : Daily special ?

parker : Yeah , the avocado burger , with the roasted jalapenos , it's my favorite

Madison : That’s my favorite too

( both smile at each other )

MADISON : coke too huh ?

PARKER : you know it

( they both laugh )

MADISON : Alright , let me get that for you .( walks away ) 


MADISON :here’s your coke

Parker : Thanks, just what i needed

MADISON : Anything else you need ?

PARKER : ( Gestures to empty seat on other side)

MADISON : What ? are you waiting for someone ?

PARKER : No , unless its you

MADISON : I’m taken

( clangs from  kitchen ! )

PARKER : ( Gestures to empty seat on other side )

MADISON : Sorry , but i’m not on my break yet

Parker : Well is there any chance you have a sister ?

( clangs from  kitchen )

( gestures to empty seat on other side )

   MADISON : Do you want me to sit with you ?

   PARKER : If you’d like

   MADISON : But what about your food ? that’s what you came for isnt it ?

   PARKER : Your right ! forget you , i just want my food
   ( Clangs from kitchen )

   ( gestures to the empty seat on the other side )

   MADISON :  sure , why not ? i only have 5 minutes before my break anyway

   PARKER : Great , i thought you would say no

   MADISON : Nah , you seem nice enough

   PARKER : ( smiles) So what do you do in your spare time?

   MADISON : I  go to a nearby college

   Parker : oh , NYU ?

   MADISON : manhattan school of music

   PARKER : oh , well good for you , i hate music.

    ( clangs from kitchen )

   Parker : ( smiles) so what do you do in your spare time?

   MADISON : I’m a local disc jockey 

   PARKER : oh, do you make your own music ?

   MADISON : Just mixes , i really just dable

Parker : Oh thats cool . Do you have a dj name ?

Madison : No , not at the moment

( Clangs From the kitchen )

MADISON : i’m a chef

PARKER : Oh , seems creative

MADISON : Well i’m not that good

( They both laugh )

Parker : Well , a dream is a dream so anything can happen

MADISON :That’s true ,

PARKER : So what’s your …… ( Starts having a heart attack)

MADISON: Omg, are you okay ? Someone help him , call 911 !!

  ( clangs  from kitchen)

that’s true

PARKER : So what are you doing after this ?

MADISON : not sure why ?

PARKER : well i’m not doing anything so maybe ….

MADISON : Well…..

Parker : What ? did i say something wrong ?

MADISON : no ,no can i just bring my 5’9 navy seal husband with us ?

  ( clangs from kitchen )
PARKER : So what are you doing after this ?

MADISON : I’m going out with my friends

Parker : Oh , well good for you

MADISON : yeah

  ( clangs from kitchen )

PARKER : So what are you doing after this ?

MADISON : I’m going to a party , want to come?

PARKER : When is it ?

MADISON : In 2 hours or so

PARKER : where is it ?

MADISON : At my friends penthouse

Parker : but i don’t even know your name

MADISON : I’m Madison , i’m 19 , i love to party and i like you

PARKER : ( laughs) i’m Parker , i’m 20 , i love math and i like you too 

MADISON : ( Glances at her watch)  hey do you want something before we leave .

Parker : well i ate before i came so i'm stuffed , but i do want a dessert .

MADISON : wait , u ate before coming here ? but this a restaurant not a living room !

PARKER : well i actually came here to see you , i liked you since i saw you

MADISON : ( blushes ) um…. okay well that explains  now what’s the dessert you want ?

PARKER : A triple scoop neapolitan ice cream sundae with extra - whip cream

MADISON :Coming right up .



MADISON : Here you go , ( hands him his dessert )

PARKER : sorry , but i can’t eat this

MADISON : why not ?

PARKER : I’m actually lactose  intolerant


MADISON : Here you go, ( hands him the dessert )

PARKER : Thanks ( gives fake smile)

MADISON : What’s wrong with it ?

PARKER : I actually hate napolitan


MADISON : Here you go ( hands him the dessert)

PARKER : ( Gives her an angry look and throws ice cream across the room)


PARKER : THERE WAS NO WHIP CREAM !!!!!!( Throws a napkin dispenser at her )

MADISON :  ( Dodges it ) This is what i get for flirting i with a random guy


MADISON : Here’s you go ( hands him dessert )

PARKER : ( looks at it in disgust)

MADISON : What ? what’s wrong with it ?

PARKER : There’s a ball of hair in it

MADISON : ( Blushes) sorry i have a hair loss problem , i get it from my dad’s side

PARKER : ( Turns a bit green) Ya’ know what i think i’m good


MADISON : ( here you go , hands him a dessert )

PARKER : Thank you ! * hugs her from the waist to smugly *

MADISON : Um are you okay ?

PARKER : HAhahahahaha , you're my chili cheese fries

MADISON : Okay , what happened since i was gone .

PARKER : That lady ( points to a small redhead waitress ) gave me some drink - drink .

MADISON : ( gives PARKER a look and calls redhead over)

REDHEAD : Oh , hey MADISON , what’s up ?

MADISON : You B**** ! ( slapped her ) why do you always do this when i talk to guys ?

REDHEAD : what do u mean ?

MADISON : You know , don't act innocent . you give them a drink so they won't go home with me and so they can end up with YOU !!! ( Tackles redhead and they fight on the floor )


MADISON : Here you go * gives him his dessert *

PARKER : Thanks ( smiles his best smile at her )

MADISON : You're welcome * sits down again *

PARKER : ( Starts eating it and offers her a spoonful )

MADISON : I’m fine ( smiles )

PARKER : ( Stops eating and smiles at her )

MADISON : What ? ( starts touching her face and hair )

PARKER : ( smiles ) i just can’t believe you're talking to me

MADISON : ( Blushes ) why is that ?

PARKER : Because you're so beautiful ( winks )

MADISON : ( Blushes )

PARKER : What ? did i say anything wrong ?

MADISON : Yes , you did , why would i go out with a guy like you ?

PARKER : I thought you said you liked me

MADISON : I did , but not after that cheesy  line

PARKER : Excuse me ?

( clangs from kitchen )

Because you're beautiful ( winks )

MADISON : Well aren’t you a charmer ?

PARKER : Seems it so

MADISON : ( giggles )

PARKER : ( Blushes )

MADISON : well is a bad time to say , im actually a single mother with two kids ?

(clangs from kitchen )

Because you're beautiful ( winks )

MADISON : Am i really ?

PARKER : Of course why would i have said it

MADISON : Thanks , am i pretty ?

PARKER : Of course

MADISON : i thought i was beautiful


MADISON : Well am i both or none ? make up your mind

( clangs from kitchen )

because you're beautiful ( winks )

MADISON : Thanks , your not bad yourself

PARKER :So you want to head to that party now ?

MADISON : Nah , let’s go do something fun

PARKER : Like what ?

MADISON : I don't know , something regrettable 

PARKER : Hummmm


PARKER : yes , my dear

MADISON : Lets , get matching tattoos !

PARKER : Excuse me ?

MADISON :Thinking about it . you can get a dog and i can get a cat

PARKER : A cat and dog ? what ?

MADISON : What you don't like it ? we could get something else

PARKER : That’s not the  point


( Clangs from kitchen )

yes my dear

MADISON : We can go to las vegas

PARKER : Hey that doesn't sound like a bad idea

BOTH : And i have some money on the side  , LET’S DO IT !


madison : let’s first get packed up, and we can meet up here outside

PARKER : Alright , your number ?(  Grabs a napkin and pulls pen from jeans

MADISON : 914 -  347 - 8900

PARKER :  Alright  , i got it . ( hands madison a piece of napkin with his number )

MADISON : OK, Quick question , : are you a molester , rapist or killer of any kind ?

PARKER : Not that i know of

MADISON : Alright . see you in 3 hours is that fine ?

PARKER : Yeah , that's fine

MADISON : Ok , then ( hugs parker )

PARKER : ( Hugs her back )

MADISON : ( Pulls away , blushes ) well see you then 

PARKER : ( Kiss her and then before she can say anything , pulls away and walks away and out the restaurant )

MADISON : ( Touches her lips )oh wow …..( blushes and walk out the door after him )
( Clangs from kitchen )

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