The Night I Met Him | Teen Ink

The Night I Met Him

December 21, 2015
By Kat1029 BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
Kat1029 BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was after curfew and my heart was racing. As I made my way to go see him my stomach got more and more butterflies. The fluttering of my heart my excitement rise. It was pitch black so I made my way barely seeing ten feet in front of me. Using just written directions on a post-it note, i got to the path where we were going to meet. He wasn't anywhere to be found but I stood there waiting patiently. “What if he doesn't show?” I ask myself. Doubt started taking over me. All around me I hear to sounds of owls and the midnight crickets chirping. The tops of the trees blocked out the gleaming stars so I was stuck with the dark forest. I was scared although excited as I made way way deeper down the path. The crunches of my steps scared me as though I felt something else was there. I heard the sound of the nighttime creatures as I made my way. The moonlight shined down through the trees and led me the way to him. Then I saw a dark tall figure.  I swear I was going to faint. As it gets closer I see his dark brown hair shimmer with the light.  I see him becoming bolder and bolder. Hes just feet away as we practically run to each other. I see his brown eyes and my heart flutters more and more with every inch that's caving in between us. Then I feel his arms pull me in and I never want to let go. The world stopped and everything was dull but me and him. He smelled of cologne that made my nose tickle. His embrace was so strong yet so soft just enough to let me know he wasn't letting go.  We pull back and look into each other's eye and I swear I saw a galaxy shine through his mysterious dark eyes. He held my hand and guided me out of the forest to a life of happiness.

The author's comments:

This is a story about how I met the love of my life and it changed my world forever 

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