Loneliness | Teen Ink


January 8, 2016
By Kate-d BRONZE, West Chester, Pennsylvania
Kate-d BRONZE, West Chester, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cody turned the car spotting the moonlight through the trees
He sighed; the night time was relaxing

Melody turned down the path and spotted the moonlight through the trees
She sighed; the night time was relaxing

Then Cody saw her
Then Melody saw him

He could tell she was pale, but had beautiful white blonde hair
He turned his car to pull over
She could tell he had charcoal black hair that stuck to the side
She turned herself towards the car

“Hello,” Melody said
“Hello,” Cody said
“Come for a walk with me?” Melody asked him
“Sure,” Cody said, taking the hand of the beautiful stranger

The hand of the girl felt cold to Cody
He shivered
The hand of the boy felt warm to Melody
She smiled

“What is your home like,” Melody asked the stranger
“I live on a college campus,” Cody replied
“How fun,” Melody said sadly

“What about you?” Cody asked Melody
“My home is  dark, and cold, and lonely,” She said
“Do you live with anyone?” He asked her
“No,” Melody said, tears forming in her eyes
“I’m sorry,” Cody said, “I wish I can help”
“You can” Melody said
Cody looked confused,
but then Melody stopped in front of a small grave
They had entered a graveyard

The gravestone was too grizzled to read the writing
“Do you know this person?” Cody asked her
“Very well,” Melody said
“Is this why you are lonely?” Cody asked her
She nodded

“But you can help me” Melody said suddenly, looking at Cody with sadness
“How,” Cody said
Melody’s hand was like touching ice
“I don’t want to be lonely anymore……”
Cody looked at the gravestone and he could suddenly read it
‘Melody Flamel’

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on Jan. 29 2016 at 3:43 pm
Dameon_Farris PLATINUM, Folton, District Of Columbia
20 articles 2 photos 78 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree. It will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Eistiene

Ow my god true heart moving story wow I almost cried because how moving it was wow I HAVNT read anything this good in a long time Ima share this with someone I care for deeply I know she'd love this story man I trully do look up to you your an amazing writing and you now are my role model maybe someday il be as good as you