I love you to the moon and back | Teen Ink

I love you to the moon and back

February 17, 2016
By xo.madi BRONZE, Mustang, Oklahoma
xo.madi BRONZE, Mustang, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On Valentine’s Day Aspen found a backpack with her full name on it, it was her boyfriend’s handwriting.  She knew it was for her, her boyfriend told her to check her front porch, and there was the backpack.  She picked it up and went back into her room.  When she opened it there was a note first that said, “To start your day try on this new dress for today.  Then go to our place.”  Aspen tried on the dress, she loved it, she had been wanting it for weeks.  Then she went to their place, which was their favorite restaurant  Olive Garden. 
     Aspen got in her car and drove to their favorite Olive Garden.  She walked in and someone asked if she was Aspen, she said yeah.  The person handed her a note, then a backpack, that had boxes of chocolates.  The note said, “Now you go to stop number 2, which is where we first kissed.”  Again Aspen knew exactly where to go, the first time they kissed was at the mall food court.  Then Aspen headed to the mall food court.  When she got there there was a balloon and a note.  The note said, “Balloons are fun so is the dock, where we went on our 2 year anniversary.” 
    When she got to the dock candles lit the way to the end.  At the end there was 12 roses and another note that said, “On our 1 year anniversary we went to Krispy Kreme and split 12 donuts.”  Aspen then went to Krispy Kreme and found a dozen donuts which were her favorite kind.  There was a note that said, “You’re almost there, but first go to the spot where I first held your hand.”  She then headed to the spot where the carnival was and where he first held her hand. 
    When she got there she found these diamond earrings that were gorgeous.  The note inside of them said, “For the last stop go to the place I asked you out.”  Aspen knew where to go, she had to go to harbor.  When she got there there was boat lit up with lights and she saw him.  She got on and got on one knee and said, “Aspen you’ve made me so happy the past 2 years and 2 months, we’ve gone on crazy adventures, and been through the good parts and the bad parts.  I love you to the moon and back a billion times,  please make me the happiest man alive and marry me?  Aspen crying said, “Yes I love you so much.”  Then they sailed off and ate Olive Garden and had  a great night.  The next Valentine’s Day they were married.

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