Part of you, Part of me. | Teen Ink

Part of you, Part of me.

February 29, 2016
By RojasJeffrey76 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
RojasJeffrey76 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You played with my heart as it were a toy, females aren't the only ones who get played out and heart broken. Some females play the same card as thee. We smiled and shared incredible moments together, each time I whispered into your ear I'd feel your heart beat getting dramatically faster, it'd feel unreal. Your delightful smile would make me smile, I'd tell you the words "I love you" and you'd respond with "I love you too". Why would you do such thing. How dare you say those words. Those words had no meaning to you, and they were used as part of your vocabulary. Everything was so right and when I finally asked for you to become my girlfriend it all shattered. Flashbacks of all the good times we shared went black. Ice cold my heart became.

Women after women I was with. After the relationship began to become more serious I'd end up disappearing due to the fact of me not wanting to attach anyone. Yeah most of us males may seem to react different to a heartbreak but we're still humans and we feel the same pain. I tend to not care much the first couple days but with time I start realizing someone is missing in my life, so used to sending her good morning texts asking her out to go out for dinner. Oh how much I loved sending her flowers on random days to show appreciation. Now that is all gone.

Let me tell you about this girl I met, her name is Adena. Beautiful brown eyes, soft pink lips, pale like snow and her ocean wave hair. Personality was one of a kind, so diverse. She was into horror movies and romantic, she loved Red lobster but would also enjoy a 7 Eleven slurpee and some take out from the Chinese food store. We actually met at Starbucks, while I over heard her ordering a Caramel Frappuccino and a brownie which is what I always tend to get, so I started a conversation with her by saying, "so you always get that huh?" she softly giggled and replied "yeah". We both sat together and believe it or not I only learned about what type of movies she liked and her favorite foods, but of course I got her number for me in order to be in contact with her and plan something out. It felt good to try out something with someone again, and finally trying to let them in. It wasn't as scary anymore I would always forgive but it's harder to forget.

Her 19th birthday was 2 weeks away and she told me that she'd like if I went over to her house party. The days was here the 23rd of June. Picked out some cargo shorts, a tee and a plaid shirt, typical casual outfit for a house party in Alaska.. I'm kidding I'm in California. I got to the party and there was Adena  and her brother it seemed like outside the door waiting for me. She greeted me then said  "Luke I'd like for you to meet my boyfriend Adam" , I swear I felt so embarrassed. I actually thought her and I were heading towards somewhere, but I guess not. I'll do me then. It's 2:45 a.m. and the party is wild, I'm enjoying every second of it dancing     and  I also tend to get multiple girls numbers so I  called it a night. Next morning I get a call from Adena, I was really hung over and I must've sound upset because she said "I'm really sorry about last night" and so I replied "no need to apologize, the party was great". There was a lot of silent till she said "my boyfriend dumped me again", now I knew why she wanted to talk to me, I was her back up. I told her that we should meet up because I needed to talk to her and she agreed. I arrived to the park and there she was, she wasn't smiling this time and neither was I. She told me that she needed someone to talk to about her relationship and that she thought that I was the only one she thought of. She started telling me how he just asked for her whenever he needed someone and then would break up with her the next and it was a continuous cycle. I explained to her how that wasn't a healthy relationship and that she deserved much better in her life because of her beauty and personality. Little by little she started to cheer up and then spoke, "why can't I find someone like you" I look at her confused and take a deep breath and say "hehe, I'm here aren't I ?". I leaned in to kiss her and then whispered into her ear everything that I liked about her, I didn't feel her heart beat getting faster but I did feel something else her heartbeat connecting with mine, I was now part of her and she was part of me.

The author's comments:

The weather, it was raining and the mood was dull.

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