Wanting or Needing | Teen Ink

Wanting or Needing

February 28, 2016
By iluvanderseru BRONZE, Koege, Other
iluvanderseru BRONZE, Koege, Other
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Write a story about a bad or unpleasant person. Make this person likable to your reader.
Do you find Sarah likable yet? #ApodyopsisCasper
Casper is a badboy, smokes and drinks.
Sarah is a good girl, a nerd who likes cartoons and anime.

Casper's friend, Julian, invites Casper to his party, but he has to bring his girlfriend whom he'd been lying about. He didn't have one yet, but he surely had one in mind.
And what happens when his friends, Nash Ace and Julian makes a bet with him - if he can break Sarah's heart, he will get paid a lot. - will he do it?

but the real question is, why did he choose Sarah? Does he love her? Or is she just a summer fling, in the middle of Autumn?

Chapter 1: o N E

As he walked by a group of his classmates -the unpopular to be exact- he couldn't help but not to listen to two girls' conversation. If they were to ask him why he was spying on them, he had a good enough reason to listen.?
They were talking about him.
He kept his distance. Although he had a reason to be listening, he didn't feel like getting busted. He could listen in silence, without anyone noticing him.
"Everyone knows about Casper Therpin, Sarah," One of the girl's told the other, with a stern voice. "All he does is break hearts." He chuckled smugly, laughing to himself.?
?He was right about to leave, as the same girl spoke "why'd you ask about him anyway?"?
?"I just tho- nevermind, I was just being silly." The brown haired girl laughed nervously, as her red haired friend just shook her head -unamused.
"You're always being silly, Sarah." Sarah's hazel brown eyes caught Casper's emerald green eyes, as she noticed he was staring at her -but being that arrogant jock he is, he turned around with a snicker. "Hey Therpin!" Casper turned around, and met with Ace, Julian and Nash.
"Thank god, now I have a reason to leave." Casper rolls his eyes, while laughing.?
?"To leave what?" Nash asks curiously, as Casper looks back, to see if the two girls were still there. Still talking about him.?If they were, and if his friends heard that they were talking about him, they'd make fun of him, and tease him forever.
Casper can't see Sarah or her friend -with the name Audrey, if Casper remembers correctly.?
?"You must mean, WHO does he have a reason to leave?" Julian remarks sarcastically. "Sooo, have you gotten a girlfriend yet, Casper?" Casper sighs, knowing that Sarah and Audrey must have went inside the school, because they were nowhere in sight.
"What'd ya say? Oh yeah, totally." Casper fakes a smile. "Great, can we see her?" Julian looks at Ace and Nash with a bad plan in mind.
"Wha- oh, no sorry guys." Casper makes an I'm sorry face, but knows that now he has gotten himself into trouble. Maybe it's not that bad yet, but it will be, and surely for his girlfriend, too.
"Oh, that's okay, Casp. If you're too shy to show us her, or tell us who she is, we could just go around asking others about her." Julian smiles wickedly at Casper.
Casper sighs, regretting ever being happy to see Julian. Then he'd rather kept staring at Sarah's eyes, instead of needing to fake a relationship. But who'd want to fake a relationship with him anyways? He's the bad boy, the bad influenza. No one'd want to catch him.
"Julian I swear if yo-"
"Oh did I just hear my name? I think I did, bye Casper, and oh, if you see your girl before I do, greet her saying it's from me, and that I'd love to meet her!" Julian laughs as he swings his head backwards, for his platinum blonde hair to get out of his face.
When Julian was a few feet away, Casper mumbles "I was the one who said your name, not your mum."
"Oh and Casper," Julian turns around and looks Casper in the eyes. "Forgot to tell you but uhh," he clears his throat, with a short laugh afterwards. "I have a party tonight, nine PM. to whenever you wanna go home, but it has to be tomorrow, obviously. We can't keep people in our mansion like a zoo" he laughs at his unfunny joke.
"Why is it so important I know about your party? You always have one like these every friday leading up to the holidays." Casper asks tiredly, and Julian smirks. It irritates Casper on such a level, but Julian is his friend, and with friends you have ups and downs.
"Because. To go to this party of mine, you'll need a date." Casper's eyes widen. He always shows up at Julian's parties, and always meets girls who he knows or doesn't. Girls from the same city, girls from another country. All kinds of girls. But he never seemed to find someone that he'd like to call his own.
"and by that I mean, a girl. Unless you're gay, that's okay too." Julian again laughs at Casper, and his not so funny jokes. "Who says I'll be there?" Casper has confidence in his voice, and Julian does hear it, but he surely doesn't like it.
"Who says you have a girlfriend?" Raising his eyebrows, he can already tell that he has won, as he always does. Since Julian is an only-child, he gets everything his finger points at, not only at home but also everywhere else he goes. His life must be easy now, but as life goes on it might get harder to get everthing served at your feet.
"You, Casper Therpin. You are the one to announce, that you have finally gotten a girlfriend, and that you're not on the market anymore," Casper waits for him to say more -he knows he isn't finished discussing yet.
"but you are Casper Therpin, and you never miss a party! and if you suddenly do, it must say how weak you are, when you are up against your girlfriend. You're not the old Casper I knew, no way." He shakes his head lightly, laughing, then the next second he is dead serious -as if Casper actually had changed, and wasn't himself anymore.?
?"The Casper I knew, would have went to any party, no matter what his girlfriend would tell him. Casper is a bad boy, no one can tell him what to do. At least not a nerd like Audrey and her squad. You know what, Casper?" Casper shakes his head a no in response. He wasn't sure he'd actually want to know.
"If you can make one of the unpopular nerds yours, and if you bring her to the party," Casper didn't want to hear the rest.
"I don't know, what kind of bet is that?" He laughs hysterically. "You're the bad boy, Casper. You can do whatever you want to, get whatever you want. All you have to do, is fake an act. A loving act, a uhhh... An act as if you actually care."
Casper's green eyes turns dim -he doesn't want to act, he doesn't want to make fun of someone, when that someone actually hadn't done him anything- but if he has to have a date, a girlfriend, he knows exactly who -the one who didn't know him, didn't know what heartthrob he was, and what he did to those who didn't act, or watch carefully- but he already seemed to have an eye for her, and when Casper Therpin had an eye for someone, he wasn't going to let them go. Not her.
"You are the one who says that you will show up, too. Bye, I have to go to the dentist, to get my perfect smile checked for tonight. See ya later!" Julian steps into the black limousine parked outside the school's playground, his head sticking out.
"so don't forget to bring your girlfriend, I'd love to meet her!"
"You see? He's going to break that innocent girls heart, too." He turns around to see Audrey and Sarah talking -probably about him- again.
Casper smiles cheekily at Sarah at winks at her. "Yeah you're so innocent, and your heart is my new toy." He mumbles, walking past them casually.
He had from 1 pm -which was now- till 8 pm.?
?Then he had to have her trapped inside his heart, holding her down with his arms.?His cold heart -as cold as ice- if not colder.

The author's comments:

I got inspired to write this, when I found out about some "dark" secrets about my crush. 1) He smokes 2) he drinks, etc. he is a badboy, of course I knew that. Everyone does, it's not really hard to notice. 

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