Last Goodbye | Teen Ink

Last Goodbye

March 18, 2016
By Rmarquez BRONZE, Unalaska, Alaska
Rmarquez BRONZE, Unalaska, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You’re a new student I’m old. I have friends, you still don’t. I want to know you more but I’m too shy to talk to you. You’re cute, you always have that precious smile, your wet spiky hair makes you look like a bad guy, but I doubt it, you have that mysterious eyes, and cool outfit, the first time I saw you I think I started to like you. I don’t know why but I think I, Angela Mathews, a girl who barely like a guy, a girl who acts like a guy, is starting to like this new student.

    August 19, 2007
Dear Diary,
I really like this guy, something is wrong with me! What will my friends tell me if I’ll tell them that I like this new student?!? For sure they’ll talk to him and tell him that
“Hey my friend over there, who’s eating like there is no tomorrow, acts like a boy, likes you.”
GOSH!! What am I thinking? Why would they do that? Of course if I tell them I like this boy they’ll just laugh at me...
Sincerely yours,
Angela Mathews

August 22, 2007
Dear Diary,
This is the best day of my life! I just saw my older brother and his friends eating their breakfast at school with the boy I like, I feel happy because I might get a lot of information about him. After school, I told my brother that I have to go to my friend’s house, but the truth is I’ll stalk this new student… he ride the bus so I also did, he sat at the very back of the bus while I sat in the middle of the bus. He went to the very first stop and so do I, good thing my friend, Nikki is also at that stop, and I ask her if I can come over to her house and help me do some of our homework’s and good thing is she said yes. I saw him went inside Nikki’s house and I was shocked because Nikki introduced me to the boy I like! And guess what this boy is Nikki’s cousin. 
Sincerely yours,
Angela Mathews

I saw my brother eating his dinner alone, and I joined him because my brother and I are very close to each other and we share each other’s problems. I sat right next to him then I asked him how is he doing, then he said,
“Nothing new, my little angel… ohh wait I have this new friend, his name is Charles Moore and he is so smart and nice…”
My eyes widened because he said he’s new friend and maybe it’s the boy I like….

“Wait, new friend? Charles Moore? The guy you and your friends are sitting with yesterday lunch” I asked.
“Yeah he’s also a senior and...” I didn’t let him finish talking cause I almost died choking.
“Hey little angel are you alright?” he asked
“Did you just say that Charles Moore aka the boy I like is a senior?!” I shouted.
“Hey little angel calm down” he said laughing.
I drink 2 glasses of water and tried to calm down.
“Now you already calm down can I asked you something?” he ask
“Yeah sure what is it?”
“I got confuse, did you just say you like Charles Moore?” he ask, giving me that my little sister finally like someone look.
“What? Haha... No?” I said.
“Okay I guess you really don’t like him because that’s the first time you ask about a boy, second, you started blushing and staring at him when we walk pass by you and your friends yesterday during lunch, third, my little angel, I know you more than anyone else, I’m like your bff since birth, lastly you choke..” he sarcastically said with his eyebrows going up and down, and giving me an annoying look.
I don’t know what to say, I’m speechless, he’s right, he knows me more than anyone else.

August 29, 2007
Dear Diary,
It’s been a week since my brother discovered my biggest secret, he became closer to Charles. Every time I see my brother talking to Charles and looking at me I would run and go to the bathroom and I still haven’t finish my lunch every time he’s doing that, I think I’m starving myself just because of a boy I like who is a senior, who will never notice me, and who will never like me for who I am.
Sincerely yours,
Angela Mathews
September 2, 2007
Dear diary,
I am on my way to the cafeteria to get a glass of water, and then suddenly I bump into someone because he was running while fixing his binder now his papers are scattered to the floor. I helped him get his papers that were scattered on the floor without looking at him. Then when I finally I look at him, and  I stopped picking up his paper and starts to stare at him, my mouths open, eyes wide open, and that’s the most embarrassing moment of my entire life because when he saw my face he started laughing and that’s when I came back to reality.  I started to look down and walk away from him.
Sincerely yours,
Angela Matthews

Two months have passed after me and Charles bumped each other. We both became close and always hangs out together. We became close when I started eating lunch with my brother because I need help with my algebra homework and instead of my brother helping me do my homework Charles help me because my brother was busy eating his lunch, which is garlic chicken. After that Charles became my tutor and always hangs out to our house every weekend so that he and my brother could play the X-box. Every time I am with Charles I feel so special because he’s kind, sweet and thoughtful. I have a feeling that he likes me.
I asked my brother if Charles likes someone and he said he doesn’t know since Charles is somehow mysterious. Then while I was asking that question to my brother someone suddenly laugh behind our back and guess what? It’s Charles.
“Ohh hey Charles what’s up?” I ask, nervously.
“So Angela Mathews wants to know who I like huh?” he ask teasingly.
“Honestly, yes I want to know since... uhm were friends and we do not keep secrets from each other right?” I said.
“Well, you’re right, since were close friends I’ll tell you who I like in one condition.”  He said,
“What?!? A condition!? Uhm… okay fine… just make sure your condition is easy...”
“Yes, haha sure so here’s the condition, if I tell you who I like you’ll tell me you like deal?” he said.
“Deal” I said.

“I like… I like you Angela… I really do, the first time I saw you I think I fell in love with you.” He said blushing.
“I… I like you too Charles Moore…” I said shyly.
“You do?” he ask smiling.
“Yes” I said laughing.

December 15, 2007
Dear diary,
It’s been a week since Charles haven’t go to school I ask my brother if Charles is on vacation he said no, he don’t know, I ask his cousin if Charles is okay, she said no, she said Charles went back to their hometown in Florida because his mom is sick and no one will take care of her. I ask his cousin if when will he be back and she said, he will never comeback because his mom have cancer and its stage 4 and Charles will not be continuing his school, his cousin said. My tears started to fall down and I started to run away. How could he just leave me alone without saying goodbye? I’m still hoping to see you one last time Charles Moore.
Sincerely yours,
Angela Mathews

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on Apr. 5 2016 at 2:45 pm
Aaliyah02 SILVER, Pflugervile, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
" If you can dream it, you can do it"

There are a few grammar errors but other than that nice job.