Secret Love | Teen Ink

Secret Love

March 19, 2016
By AngelG BRONZE, Irvine, California
AngelG BRONZE, Irvine, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

        I heard that song again, in the cafe. It is his favorite song. I could feel warm tears rolling down from my face, but I did not know why.
        It was a late summer. I ran into him when I belted downstairs and hit him by accident. All of my stuff fell to the ground. My face suddenly turned red , it seemed like I could feel all the red blood cells’ moving  in my capillaries and all of the blood gushed into my head. My heart pounded quickly and my mind was not clear at that moment because I did not know what I can do and what I can say to him, it was so embarrassing that I hit a person accidentally. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the perfect left side of his face. “ Oh my god, how handsome this boy is !” I thought, then I noticed that he was the type of boy that I will fall in love with. He touched my hand inadvertently when he helped me pick up all of my books and gave them back to me, smiling. I moved my hand as swift as a flash?then I felt a big shudder, like an electric shock, run through my body. I thought I would die because of this, so I ran downstairs as quickly I could knowing  I might fall down.
        His hand was warm, I could smell his cologne during those three seconds. I like him I think, because of he’s friendly, gentlemanly, and handsome. I did not know any other reasons  why I like him, maybe there was  no reason. I wanted to know him well and tried to discover why I choose him, so I started to search for all of his information and looked at all the pictures he posed in his moments. He was popular, I hesitated. I will never have a chance to let him notice me, know me, and fall in love with me. Maybe meeting him was just a mistake.
        His favorite music was Cannon. The pretty girl he always walked with after class could play Cannon well, maybe that was the reason why they were always together. But how about me, my reason? Suddenly I felt guilty, how come I could not play? After that, I downloaded all the pieces of Cannon that I could find in my music app and listened to all the pieces over and over again. I did not tell my friends about that feeling because I thought all of them liked him or were interested in him, I thought they had more chances than me to be close to him but I still had no reason. I could see their faces changing when he came.
        The second time I met him was in the hallway. I hoped he could ask me for my name or some other things, but he did not talk to me. But he smiled at me, his bright warm smile. His beautiful mouth was radiant, and even his eyes seemed to smile at me. To me.
          We were not a couple and we were not friends. He was my innocent and secret love. The feeling was like a seed lying on the bottom of a bottle and waiting for it to grow up, but we do not know what the seed’s future will be like. But we still wait for it earnestly and eagerly.
           It hurts when you fall in love with someone that does not like you. But I know the pain of I loving someone and never having courage to let that person know.
          I wiped the tear from my eyes, and walked out of the cafe, smiling.

The author's comments:

It was my first crush, I cannot forget him brcause it was the first time I fall in love with someone.

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