Delightful and Nostalgic Fall | Teen Ink

Delightful and Nostalgic Fall

March 21, 2016
By Deshario BRONZE, Lalitpur, Other
Deshario BRONZE, Lalitpur, Other
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he/she never show to anybody

I could see the leaves start blushing and turning red copying me.Although the crisp air was indicating cold winter, my heart was still warm.That was when i fell in love with you and the fall.The weather was golden as every leaf was like flower and the sun rays were sneaking through small zones everywhere in the woods.It was just beyond perfect everything in the nature was bursting with its last impeccable beauty and you were there holding my hand,walking with me. I'd never asked for more than this beautiful moment.At the time my only wish was to stop the rotation of the earth.Everything with you was like a fairytale i'd ever imagined.Your comforting hugs,your warm hand always backing me up.Hence being with you felt like living in the abstract world; my own dream land.

We were literally great together but suddenly i dont know what happen to us.The one i love was disappearing ,leaving me with  nothing but this cold winter . In a blink of time you change and my whole world seems dark.I dont blame you for all this.I dont know what i meant to u bt for me you were the best thing happen to me.I'm gonna treasure every moment we'd spent together  until i die.Each and every memory of you is still lucid and saved in corner of my mind.Still the fall comes carrying all the reflection of us .I never miss it , I still sit on the same bench we had sat and enjoy each second of it.


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This article has 1 comment.

Deshario12 said...
on Mar. 31 2016 at 2:11 am
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I am new here and this is my first post. i would like every reader to comment as well as feel free to point out my mistakes . Since i don't have any friend here please help me out.I'd really appreciate that.