I found you. | Teen Ink

I found you.

April 2, 2016
By _darlingimbroken_ GOLD, Birmingham, Other
_darlingimbroken_ GOLD, Birmingham, Other
10 articles 0 photos 11 comments

The sound of the thunder and lightening clapped against the lifeless sky. The girl shuddered. She knew she should not have ran away from home but what else could she have done? All she ever heard was her parent's screaming at each other. It broke her. She just had to run from it all. Escape everything. Now, she was all alone sitting on a bench, feeling the rain smothering her skin as she grew lost in her thoughts.


The female clutched onto her jacket tighter as the wind blew as hard as it could against the girl. She was like a feather being thrown around by the strong wind. The young female decided to go explore the streets as her mind goes roaming around to the memories of her parent's fighting again and again; non stop.


The girl froze. She slowly hid her face into her two hands and began to cry. Her heart was broken, she felt broken, she was broken. No one would save her and no one could save her. She was drowning and dying. 


A male stumbled across this drowning girl, he wrapped his jacket around her and gave her his umberella. He grabbed the girl by the hand and stopped her from drowning. He saved her and took her back home.


This girl was alive and safe because of this male..

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