The Life Changer | Teen Ink

The Life Changer

April 3, 2016
By Anonymous

Today was supposed to be a regular day like always where I wake up early for              school, find my father out cold with beer bottles surrounding him, going to school then work. Once I woke up I surprisingly didn't find my father he was gone hopefully at work. Once I  

got to school that was the only thing that that was normal today which was everybody not talking to me, I used to be popular until 2 Years ago. While walking to first I kept on
hearing people talks about a new kid oh well he will just ignore me to. Once I sat down Ms.
Chan was introducing him, but to me it didn't make a difference. "Well Blake you can sit
down next to Sarah she will be your lab partner for the rest of the year." Ms. Chan stated.
Once I heard that he was my lab partner I knew I wasn't going to enjoy this I already knew I was gonna have to do all the work who am I kidding I was already doing before he got here.
"Hey my name is Blake and you are Sarah right?" He asked, but I gave no
reply. I was hoping he would stop trying to talk me, but he just kept saying hi and asking me questions that I could barely pay attention in class then the bell rang. I rushed out of the class and into my next period, but there he was again in the same class with me. "Sarah you            ignoring me won't make me stop trying to talk to you." he stated then one of the jocks said     "Bro you should forget about her she doesn't talk so if I were you I would go talk to some      cheerleaders." Thank god someone talked some sense into him, but now he's just staring at   me. "Why are you staring stop it or I will punch you" he responded "Finally you talk I almost thought you were dead." I just didn't respond at all.
  After a while he left me alone so I could finally go back to peace and quiet
after hours of torture I finally got out of that prison. Just when I was about to leave the new   kid already making a another attempt to talk to me. "Hey Sarah wait just wait I need to tell    you something." I stopped and turned around while I looked at him I realized why all the girls were flirting and talking about him. I just kept staring into his light brown eyes while he
talked to me just nodding at everything he is saying. When I came back to the real world all I see is him leading me to his car and piece of paper with his phone number on it. He drops me off at my workplace and the whole entire time while working all I could think about was dark brown hair, soft light brown eyes, and his bright smile that even the sun chat compare to. "Sarah you seem distracted you can go home tonight and rest we handle the rest of the day without you don't worry about it."
                            "No I'm fine Tammy, I know you are the boss, but trust me I'm fine."
She responded "Nope go home you already work hard enough you will still get paid for today so just go home and rest." I just nod and get out of my uniform then take the bus home.      
Surprisingly my father still wasn't there drinking his life away. I changed into some comfy  
clothes and was surprised to hear a knock at the door and open it to find Blake. "Before I say
how in hell do you know where I live." he replied by saying "well I went to go pick you up    
from work just like we planned, but you weren't there so I asked your manager." I don't
remember anything we planned unless he told me about it in the car when I was in la-la land   thinking about him.
"I don't remember what we are supposed to do so can you remind me what we            planned." he then stated "well we are supposed to plan and work out our project and hang out a little."
I just nodded and took him to my room and laid down on my bed while telling him                 to sit wherever he wants. After 30 mins of planning we decided to get some pizza and watch TV for a while. "Hey uuummmmm....... I was talking to a few guys and they said you used to be very popular, you became very quiet and a loner. Why did u change?" he asked and I just stared at him and stayed quiet. Thinking about all the past memories I just broke        down right there and started crying while he comforted me. Once I stopped crying my eyes   and cheek red from all the crying he caressed my cheek and told me I looked beautiful which made my heart jump and my cheeks blush a lot. He decided to leave so I gave him a kiss on his cheek as a thank you. Once he left I started to feel even more lonely than usual I wanted him to
be here with me I just really needed him.
Tomorrow morning, I was so tired I barely got any sleep last night, but
I heard my dad come home so I know he was safe. I went straight to class and just put my     head down and shut out everyone with music. "Hey you must be not in a good mood today   what's wrong?" he asked, but I just stayed quiet and didn't answer. "Someone must be on        their period." he chuckled and I just flicked him off and hit his arm. The rest of the day went by fast and I decided to go straight home, but my plans were cancelled by the new kid. "Hey Sarah can I uumm.... Maybe hopefully take you on a date?" he asked me and I was just
flabbergasted. He clears his throat to bring me back to my attention and in return I say "Yes
Blake  you can take me on a date Saturday." He gave me a ride home and I let him in and he ordered some Chinese foos.
The next day went by pretty fast, but on Saturday it was going so slow that
I was being tortured every minute just waiting for him to pick me up. Even though I   asked him many times where we were going all he would tell me was that it was a surprise    and to just wear normal clothes. So I just put on some jeans and a Linkin Park T-shirt waiting for him all night until it was 2 in the morning and I realized he never came to pick me up. I  
just stayed in my room watching TV, crying, and eating until I got the guts to go see
him at   his house. Once I got there I met his parents who seemed like they were in a
rush. “Hello I am Sarah by any chance is Blake home?” I asked then the moment they heard me they just looked at me with a worried face. “He is in the hospital unconscious on his way to pick you up yesterday he was hit by another car and hit his head hard.” she stated with a look of sadness in her eyes and a few tears. I asked them if I could go see them and they
gave me a ride to the hospital. Once I got there just seeing him lying on the bed with all the
machines hooked up to him just made me feel the most pain I have ever felt in my life. For
weeks after school I sat there just waiting for him to wake up then one day the moment I am
about to leave all I hear is “Sarah.” I just stare at him with wide eyes hoping none of this is a dream, but once I see him with that stupid smirk over his face. I just hugged him while
crying tears of joy hoping that he wouldn’t ever leave me.       

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 5 2016 at 11:04 am
Aaliyah02 SILVER, Pflugervile, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
" If you can dream it, you can do it"

This was sooo cute! I love it! Keep writing!