Repulsive Love | Teen Ink

Repulsive Love

April 8, 2016
By Ohhisis BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Ohhisis BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take."

“Look Daniel, I’m not in the mood for any of your game-” Yareli cut off. She was staring at Daniel bewildered. He had huge eyes on her. At last she said, “Okay, talk.” Daniel quickly grabbed Yareli’s hands and said, “Can you go out with me?” Everything spun around on Yareli.
Yareli was looking back and forth to see if Ariel, her friend, was comring like a police asking for backup chasing a criminal. She stood there paralyzed as if the question was a knife and had just stab her on the back. She let go off Daniel’s hands. Her face was covered in red stains. After moments of silence, Yareli backed off and said, “Daniel, I got to, umm, go.” Daniel quickly said, “Think about it.” Yareli didn’t say a word and crawled back to class.
Yareli was unfocused throughout the school day. She was restless. That thought got stuck on her mind and it couldn’t get out. No matter how hard Yareli thought of something else, that “Can you go out with me” always came up. She was now paranoid. She didn’t see Ariel that day and walked home from school alone.
Yareli came home thirty minutes late from her daily routine. As she came in, her mom quickly came up the door. She had the face, the face that Yareli knows she is in trouble. Mom said calmly, “Where were you?” Yareli was distracted that she said “Outside waiting for you.” Mom had a serious face now. She snapped her fingers to get Yareli’s attention. Yareli turned rapidly and said “Huh?” Mom said, “You’re grounded.”
Yareli went up stairs. She didn’t go down for dinner. She directly went to take a shower and lied on her bed for the rest of the afternoon. Her mind was blank and she remembered the special question in school. Ariel left her a ton of messages, but she didn’t answer. She went to bed hoping all of that was just a nightmare, not a dream.






Yareli woke up late for school today. Her mom had left for work and it was already seven thirty. She quickly got dressed and ate a little portion of breakfast. She had to walk since the bus left.
“Yareli there you are!” Ariel shouted. “Yeah I’m here, what’s up?” Yareli replied. Ariel took Yareli’s hand and dragged her to the hallway. “Someone’s waiting on you.” Yareli backed off and questioned, “Who? If it’s Daniel tell him I’m not ready.” Ariel turned around and gave Yareli a strange look.”Yareli, I know it’s not long since the tragedy happened but don’t you think you should give it another try?” Yareli got a sad look, she almost cried and finally said, “I don’t know.”
Yareli stood there in silence. Ariel was thinking of what to do. She finally said, “Go on to him, tell him.” Yareli slowly walked up to Daniel. Ariel left so that they can both talk but she stayed close just in case something went wrong. Daniel looked up and saw Yareli in front of him. He grabbed her hands smiling.
“What do you want? And hurry that school is almost going to start,” Yareli said careless. “Have you thought of what I asked you yesterday?” Daniel replied.Yareli stood still and said, “I don’t think I can do this Daniel. You’re a nice guy and all but I don’t lov-” she paused. “I don’t have feelings for you. There are other girls in this school it’s not just me.” Daniel grabbed her hands and said, “You’re the only girl I have eyes on.” The bell rang and Yareli left.
School ended and Yareli walked home with Ariel.
“Then he said he only has eyes on me. I don’t know what to do Ari.”
“Give him a chance. This can work out.”
“What if he does what Angel did?”
“He looks like he won’t even do that. But hey, it’s your choice.”
Yareli was confused. She couldn’t decide. Ariel gave Yareli ideas on what to do. Finally Yareli said, “I know what to do.”
Yareli went to look for Daniel at school the next day. She turned to each side to see if she can spot him. She was aside of Ariel who was there to support her. She finally spot him on his locker.
“Daniel, I need to talk to you,” Yareli said.
“Sure what is it?” Daniel replied.
“I thought about it and…”
“Go on…”
“I will give you a chance. But only ONE,” Yareli said determined.
“You see, don’t worry, I’m going to treat you like a queen,” said Daniel all happy. Yareli blushed and looked away. She looked over at Ariel to see what was her response. Ariel was on her phone texting. Yareli tapped her with her shoulder and said, “hmph.” Ariel looked at Daniel quickly and said, “Better protect her cuz you know what will happen.” Daniel had feared eyes and replied, “Y-yes ma’am.” Ariel glanced at Daniel once more and went back to texting.
During third period, Daniel kept sending notes to Yareli. She read everyone of them but did not reply. Daniel noticed since he already sent twenty of them and has not received one back.
After school, Daniel asked Yareli to walk her home. “Look Daniel, just because we’re together doesn’t mean you have to be my maid or something.”
“I do this for you my princess,” Daniel replied.
Yareli rolled her eyes and accepted the offer. Daniel grabbed her hand and stood close by her.
Yareli arrived home and kissed Daniel goodbye. He stood there until Yareli entered the house. He smiled and thought of how fortunate he was to have Yareli. He wanted her, even forever.





It was a Saturday morning and Yareli and Ariel we’re out eating breakfast at a local cafe. They ordered the usual; a biscuit and a white chocolate mocha cappuccino.
“So, how’s it going with Daniel?” Ariel asked.
“I don’t know, you could say good I guess,” Yareli replied.
“Yareli, do you lov-”
“Have feelings for him?” Yareli interrupted.
“Yeah that,” Ariel replied.
“To be honest, I don’t even know,” Yareli said. “I guess I don’t want to hurt him.”
They stood there in silence. They finished eating and made their way to the car.
Later that day, Yareli and Ariel went to the mall. They went to buy shoes, clothes and all of that girl stuff they buy every once in awhile. They didn’t know that Daniel followed them.
He entered and saw both of them. He was behind them and saw everything they did. He entered to every store they went. He only waited outside when the girls needed to go to the restroom. People started wondering why a boy would be in a girl store. He never spoke, he only followed.
Yareli had a strange feeling that somebody was watching her. She turned around every time she felt that chill. Everytime she turned around, Daniel would go somewhere and hide. Then he would continue his journey.
The girls were ready to leave. Daniel was too. He was tired of following all day. Yareli left still feeling that chill of someone watching her. She thought it was just a random thing, so she didn’t worry anymore.
Daniel left having the feeling of seeing Yareli again. He got jealous when Yareli asked directions or talked to any other boy that wasn’t him. His love for Yareli wasn’t love anymore, it was an obsession.





A week later, Yareli and Daniel went out for a coffee. Daniel asked and Yareli accepted. Yareli now saw that this was the chance to talk to him. She didn’t really felt anything for him, she just accepted to get over the tragedy and to make Daniel happy.
“Daniel, I need to talk to you. It’s important,” Yareli said nervously.
“Sure what is it,” Daniel replied.
“I-I umm, I don’t think this is working out. You were nice to me and I appreciate that, but I don’t have feelings for you.
Daniel paused and was in shock. He “loved” Yareli, but didn’t want to lose her.
“No,” Daniel said.
“Excuse me?” Yareli replied.
“I said no! You’re not leaving me. You said yes and yes it is. You’re mine and mine only. You’re staying with me until we die!”
Yareli was now getting scared. She was shaking so hard. That tragedy memory came back to her. She was panicking and didn’t know what to do. She was breathing heavily and slow. She stood up confident and said, “Bye Daniel.” She left hurrying to the car leaving Daniel behind. Daniel wanted to catch up but it was too late. He only saw a yellowish stain of on the parking lot.
Yareli went to Ariel’s house to calm down. She got outside the car and rang Ariel’s doorbell. Ariel opened and Yareli came in quickly.
“I told you Ariel, love doesn’t exist,” Yareli said sadly.
“What do you mean? W-what happened?”
“Daniel. Same as Angel. Both,” said Yareli now with tears on her face.
“Daniel wanted you didn’t he?”
“Yes. He doesn’t love me anymore, he’s obsessed.. There is no love, it doesn’t exist!”
Ariel grabbed Yareli and hugged her. She felt sorry for Yareli that every time she fell in love, she got hurt. Every boy who has dated Yareli became obsessed with her. Angel was one who hurted her the most.
“When he started raising his voice, the tragedy came in mind. I swear if Angel wouldn’t have hit me, I wouldn’t have any problem,” said Yareli.
Ariel stood there clueless just hugging her. They both stayed there in silence.




Yareli was walking toward class. It has been a month since Yareli and Daniel haven’t talk. She tried not remember it since Angel hit her every time she was “annoying” to him. She suffered of domestic violence. Since then she has tried to not fall in love.
When Yareli was about to opened the classroom door, a hand reached her arm. She quickly pulled it away and turned around. Daniel was behind her. She was now starting to panic. She calmed a little and said, “D-D-Daniel what do you want?!”
“I’m sorry for last time,” Daniel replied.
“I don’t care. Forget about it,” she replied.
“I’m moving, I’m going to miss you so I just came here to say goodbye.”
“Okay. Well if that’s it then bye.”
Daniel left feeling guilty. Yareli turned back around with tears on her face. She still had the thought that every boy was the same as Angel. She entered whispering, “Love doesn’t exist.”

The author's comments:

This article has been a great thing. My personal expierience has been my insparation.

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