Everything Has Changed | Teen Ink

Everything Has Changed

April 12, 2016
By Anonymous

 My life changed forever last Saturday night. One moment, I was reading in bed, and the next I was standing on the corner of a busy and unfamiliar city street holding a cardboard box. My first thought was that i was dreaming. Then the lights went out. I was confused. I cannot think. I prayed to God, that if i am dreaming, please make it a good one. And then i realized, I was standing with my Chuck Taylors on the very edge of the curb, when I felt a hand grab mine. I look up. I hope it is my mum who came to wake me up. But it was not her. It was somebody that you never thought would be standing in front of you with your hand in theirs. It was Zac Efron. I passed out. -137
   The way I figure it, everyone gets a miracle. Like, I will probably never be struck by lightning, or win a Singing Competition, or become the guest in Oprah Winfrey's show, or contract terminal lung cancer, or maybe becoming Edward Cullen bestfriend. But if you consider all the unlikely things together, at least one of them will probably happen to each of us. I could have seen it rain pizzas. I could have stepped foot on the Cinderella castle. I could have been eaten by a whale. I could have married the king of England or survived months as Kim Kardashian house maid. But my miracle was different. My miracle was this: I woke up from my sleep with Zac Efron gazing at me. I am a big fan of him. My room is full of his photos. I knew everything about him. Including his social life. People might call me crazy, but i do not care. At all. I believe in magic. Not those Peter-Pan-Tinker-Bell thingy, but you know. Those old folks who believe in nonsense. And my grandma used to said that if i want to meet somebody or a person, i just have to believe that i will. -201

  So back in the story, I realized it was not Zac Efron's hand but my little brother's hand. He told me that my fiancé was waiting for me downstairs. I was really confused. Since when did I become somebody's fiancé. I am just a 16-year-old girl who is always sleeping in class and still watch Barney and Friends and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in my spare time. I went down. I stumbled upon the staircase and my 'fiancé' came running towards me to prevent me from falling. I was kinda shocked. My glasses fell off. I cannot see very well including my 'fiancé'. He suddenly reached my hand with his and surprisingly gave me my glasses. I look up. I cannot believe in what i saw so i took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes. When i put it on again, he is still there. My 'fiancé'. It was Zac Efron.-145

    "OH OH OH OH MY OH MY OH MY GOOOOOOOD !" I screamed with all my heart. Zac Efron held my hand and calmed me down. He told me to get dressed. We are going to a party. He asked my brother to past a cute box wrapped with a pink ribbon. But my brother was eating bowl of noodles, so then he took that cute box himself. He handed me the box. I opened it and there is a very pretty black dress with a pair of grey heels. It was very pretty. I cried in tears. He hugged me. I ran upstairs. I get showered and put on that dress. I went down to meet my fiancé. "U look like a black bird. Mysterious but stunning" he said. I smiled. He took my hand and walk me to his car. He opened the door for me. I went in. He drove me to a neighbourhood. It was a really calm night . We talk about a lot of things. When we reached the party, i was suprised to see so many photos of my faces hanged around the walls looking so happy. "It is your party" said Zac.

   I was really suprised to see many familiar faces. Most of them are my friend. At that party, we did a lot of things. Dancing, singing but the best part of the party was when we did the Truth or Dare game. When it come to my turn i choose Dare. They dare me to hide behind the backyard for 5 minutes. I agreed. When i was walking to the backyard a saw a girl in hurry digging a hole with her hands and it surprises me because that girl looks exactly like me. I keep peeking what she's doing. But then she stopped as she heard Zac's calling my name. "Lissa? Lissa, hunny, where are you?" She looked at me in the eyes before she ran away. Zac came toward and he asked is i am okay. I did not tell him about the girl that i saw just now. We went back to the party. I was distracted the whole night. I cannot stop thinking about the girl. The party went on. I tried to enjoyed myself and not thinking about the girl. When i was dancing along to some music, Zac turn off the radio and kneeled in front of me. He was holding out a box. I opened it and suprised to see a ring in it. "Would you be my last love and accept me?". He said it. I cannot believe it. Without hesitated even a bit, i said yes. He hugged me and we dance along to some romantic music. I will not forget this party for the rest of my life. It is a party to remember.

   When we was dancing, a hand touched my body. The hand shaked me hard. Really hard. I fell down and passed out. When i woke up, I realized I was dreaming. There is no party. There is no Zac Efron. I was really really really disappointed. I decided to get up from my bed and take a quick shower. I take a walk around my house. I went to the backyard. It reminds me of the girl in my dream. Im glad it was just a dream. While i was walking, i found a hole with a pice of paper on it. I read the paper. It was written "She continued to dig up the earth with her hands- the hole was nowhere near big enough yet, but soon it would be".

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