Love Story | Teen Ink

Love Story

May 4, 2016
By Kasi. BRONZE, Circleville, Ohio
Kasi. BRONZE, Circleville, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We have known each other since we were little kids, running around our backyards. On camera rolls there are pictures of us being close friends, but to this day they haven’t been found. This person was special to me, and my family. Both of our fathers were police officers, and that is how we met. As we grew up, we started to know each other better. Although we didn't get to hangout all the time, we saw each other at karate class. If it wasn't for karate classes, we wouldn't be where we are now. As a little kid I didn't like karate, but I wanted to make my dad happy. While growing up, I quit coming to karate, but my father and brother kept going. Since my father and brother went to karate, they had to get promoted to the next belt level. During the summer of 2015 was one of their promotions, and that is how I finally got to see him again. We haven't seen each other in quite some time, and neither of us noticed each other. It has been so long that I forgot about him, but my dad has always told me about him. One day at dinner my sister showed me a picture of what he looked like, and I was shocked to see how much he had changed. Of course as a teenager I thought he was really cute, and wanted to talk to him. Since I went to the promotion it would've been the perfect time to talk to him, but I totally embarrassed myself. When he came up to me I couldn't stop laughing, and my face was bright red. The words I got out wasn't understandable, or slow enough for him to hear. While getting in the car my family was laughing at me, and I didn't understand why that was so hard for me. After that I thought he would never talk to me because of how weird I acted. A couple days later what I thought turned out wrong, and I got a text message from him. Supposedly our fathers talked, and the outcome was getting my number. One afternoon I was on the computer, and my phone lit up a number that I didn't recognize. At first, I thought it was just a text message from someone wanting me to buy something. All I had to read was his name and I almost fell out of my chair, but I answered him while calming down. The person he talked to wasn't myself, but clearly it didn't bother him. Everyday after that we would text each other, and talk about everything. It was like that for a couple of months, and we were back to close friends. Summer was about to end, and we wanted to hangout at least once before school started. Luckily my dad and brother were starting karate classes again, and that was the one chance we could hangout. It was a perfect chance to make things the way they used to be, and catch on things we have missed out. Our day to hangout was the upcoming Thursday, and I couldn't wait for it to come. Even though we were just friends, I started to grow feelings for him over the past couple months we have talked. Soon enough it was Thursday, and on the way there I didn't know what I was doing. For sure I thought it was going to be just like the promotion incident. Pulling up the driveway, I made my brother come with me to take some nerves away. Once I entered it was a little awkward, but it started to fade away as the night went on. It reminded me of us being little kids again, but better than before. During the short amount of time I was there we played spoons, card games, and walked outside. Both of us wanted to keep on hanging out after that night, and that is what we did. Every Thursday I would come over, and spend time with each other. The fourth time I went was my favorite out of all of them, and made my summer complete. That night he asked me to be his girlfriend in person, and of course I said yes. Every once in awhile, we catch ourselves talking about how we got together. We have been together for awhile now, and it keeps getting stronger. I've never thought that one of my closest friends would soon become the person that has changed me for the better. Our friendship was great, but what we have now is unexplainable. He is my best friend, supporter, and boyfriend all in one. I will be forever thankful for the friendship both of our families share. It is such a wonderful feeling sharing experiences with someone that you have known since you were young.

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