"Y" The beginning of the alphabet | Teen Ink

"Y" The beginning of the alphabet

May 24, 2016
By cheewwwyyy BRONZE, Houston , Texas
cheewwwyyy BRONZE, Houston , Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

friends. We got really close that somehow some reason her friends and I started to play tag during school. Later that week I went to a party and thanks the lord she was there too. I really wanted to ask her to dance but I was too shy to ask due to the fact her older sister was there and I really didn’t wanna cause any trouble. Eventually I went for the kill once the genre of music changed and it was my specialty, I made sure I was gonna impress and sweep her off her feet. Moments later I found myself staring into her eyes and singing the song that was playing to her and I really didn’t notice I was doing that until she smiled at me and started to blush so I kept going because she looked so cute blushing. As days pass after that party I couldn’t stop thinking about her, I felt a connection with her, I felt something tickling my stomach, I felt… happy. I tried not to think about it too much because I was gonna see her later that day because I was part of her 15. During a rainy practice the instructor had asked me to carry her for the dance we were learning and as I picked her up I made sure she was not gonna fall because if she did it would have been on my conscious forever. We look at each other in the eyes as I carry and spin her around and I was more focused on not letting her fall down rather than getting lost in her eyes, but the minute I put her down I went straight to my friend who was just sitting and watching the choreography I told him, “dude I think i'm in love with her” he smiled and laughed, but I was being serious. October 23rd of 2013 was the year. It was the year the girl who I had fallen in love with was finally my girlfriend. I couldn’t believe it, I was shocked but happy. This was truly a beautiful majestic moment to remember forever.

4 years later
Summer had just hit the world with its hot blazing weather. My girlfriend had gone to the beach with her friends and I couldn’t go because I was at work playing for the Dynamo first team against our rivals F.C. Dallas. After the game was over I recieve a picture of her putting on sunscreen while she’s talking to her other friends with her huge big sunglasses on with the nasty brown galveston water hitting her feet. Although it was a caught off guard picture she still looked stunning. Hours go by and she still hasn’t texted or called me back I started to worry so I kept calling and texting but I thought maybe her phone was dead so I didn’t really worry that much so I waited. Days go by and at this point i’m thinking the worst that could've happened to her, so I call her best friend and the most saddest and quietest voice i’ve ever heard from her friend she said, “chucho.. She passed, she passed away. She left you chucho, she lefts this world.” My heart stopped and dropped to the floor, the whole world was cold and still, the phone dropped to the floor as so did I. I couldn’t belive she was gone, she left me.

30 years later after she left I still can’t comprehend as to why she left. Why me? Why her? Why us? Questions I still ask myself to this day that I will never get a proper answer too. As hard as it may seem she still remains in my heart. The picture her friend sent me where she was putting sunscreen on at the beach is the last picture I have of her before she left me and as I look at this picture I just remember all the beautiful and great times we had together like the time we would always play tag during school, like when we share stories to each other, or whenever she would be sitting next to me and class and I would always pull her chair closer to me so then I can look at her deep in the eyes and give her a kiss, or like the times whenever she would just give me random kisses and just lay her head on me whenever she was tired, or whenever I would always take her backpack just to annoy her but sometimes I would leave her surprise gifts, and who can forget about the special moment we shared on her special day of her 15 when we danced together. So many moments I can list to turn it into a book but this is a short story so I have to keep it short. My love for her will never stop beating for her although she has left me I will always love her til the end.

The author's comments:

this piece inspired me because it has a lot of sentimental value to me because I once knew a special girl who was the world to me and this is in her honor

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