To The Boy Who Doesn't Know (and will probably never find out) | Teen Ink

To The Boy Who Doesn't Know (and will probably never find out)

October 10, 2016
By Anonymous

To the boy who doesn’t know,
You make my heart skip beats and my soul sing. Every time I’m near you, I get nervous, and I don’t get nervous around anyone. I haven’t had such a bad crush on anyone in a while. To the boy who doesn’t know, I missed you the whole time you were gone, I always thought about you, probably more than I should have. To the boy who doesn’t know, my heart skipped a beat every time you messaged me, and even now that you’re back, it skips a beat every time you send me a message. To the boy who doesn’t know, every little touch we share is another eternity I don’t’ want to forget, because the warmth you bring lights up my world. Every time you touch me, I remember the little time we had the chance to share. To the boy who doesn’t know, I can’t get you out of my head, I want to try it, but you don’t. To the boy who doesn’t know, I feel broken again, but I’m working through it, I hope it goes away because it hurts when I try to forget, it hurts when I try to remember, it’s always there, a slow ache that yearns for your touch again, for your arms again, for your lips again. To the boy who doesn’t know, I don’t want to fall in love with you, because I don’t’ know what you want, I don’t know what to expect from you. I don’t want to fall in love with you and shatter into a million pieces again. To the boy who doesn’t know, I want you, I want you bad, but you don’t seem to want me anymore. To the boy who doesn’t know, can you tell me why? I don’t have the courage to ask you, I’m scared to find out, was I just a toy? Was I just someone who was there? To the boy who doesn’t know, I might be loving you already, slowly, surely, quietly, every day, maybe just a little more, ever since we shared a world, two weeks ago. To the boy who doesn’t know, we shouldn’t have, but we did, now what?
The girl who aches

The author's comments:

Something happened, and I can't quite get it out of my head, so here it is, just something I had to share. To the boy who doesn't know, I hope, someday, maybe, you'll know.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Feb. 2 2017 at 6:29 pm
HeartOfTheMoon SILVER, Sudbury, Ontario
9 articles 0 photos 4 comments
I'm glad I can inspire you :) Good luck with everything!

on Oct. 24 2016 at 10:02 am
BananaVav BRONZE, Edgewater Park, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments
This was very well written and I could relate to your every word. The way you phrased everything just made the feelings more real and I too have someone who doesn't know. I'm hoping they soon know and because of your work they might just find out soon. Thank you