Rehab | Teen Ink


December 8, 2016
By bryanagg BRONZE, Bronx, New York
bryanagg BRONZE, Bronx, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why do we hang on to some things even when we know we are better letting go? It's like we are scared to lose things that aren't even ours. It's not our thing to care for. Not our thing to be with. Not our thing to love. What makes it worse is that it was once our thing to care for. Our thing to be with. Our thing to love. Way back when they weren't so great at ruining your day. We don't even mind the dick personality cuz we are so set on the idea that it's meant to be that we didn't open our eyes and see how s***ty it all was. We gave so many chances that quite frankly, weren't deserved. We stay because it doesn't matter how badly we get screwed over. We care. We are ok with all of the bs because at the end of the day they are still in our life and that's all we really want. When we think about it, we realize how unhealthy it really is. The firework exploded and all the magic just turned tragic. We get so captivated and attached to the point where we want to kill ourselves if we don't have it. We become depressed if we don't see that smile or those eyes. We become addicted. They are weed and we are willingly addicts. Without our fix, we feel lost. They are our bathroom and we are bulimic. We don't want to go but we can't stop ourselves. The difference is, we don't get rehab for our addiction. We are forced to get over it ourselves. But how does an addict get over weed without rehab? How does a bulimic get over bulimia without treatment? They don't. And neither will we...

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