The Last Breath | Teen Ink

The Last Breath

January 26, 2017
By madison706 BRONZE, Flemington, New Jersey
madison706 BRONZE, Flemington, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Swaying of palm trees dancing in the breeze. The sweet smell of harvested mango collided with layers of coconut to fill the ocean air. The salt was unknown. Of course in the transparent waters. But for once, not in the air. The tropical fruit smelled divine but mostly with bananas. Dangling and just waiting to fall. Everything was perfect, something you would see in a magazine. No clouds, no wind, just a little breeze to refresh your soul every minute. And the sun pounding on the blistering beach. Mid-day, it was. The sun far up in the sky, has ways to go before dusk but it was prime time.
Soft, gentle footprints damaging the sand, not even a cricket could hear. She keeps moving forward, looking like slow motion and stopping at the dunes. One by one, a particle of clothing falls off. First goes the sandals, ripped jean shorts, and the yellow, pineapple, sun damaged tank top that I got her for our first Christmas together last year. Nothing but an aqua colored bikini lined with royal blue trims was left on her. Long blonde hair falling out of her dutch braid to leave beachy waves, coincidence of course. She knows not to surf alone. But that's not her worry right now. All she can think about is just getting in there and shredding the waves like she does best. I mean this is all she has been talking about for weeks.
The sun is powerful today. Filling the island with good vibes and yellow beams of sunlight. Just what she loves. Not even thinking about the consequences.
“You know there's currents out there today hun!” I shouted
“I’m aware” she said snappy. “It’s just been too long for me to not be in the water, and with her coming in a couple months,” she hesitated for a moment, filling her lungs with air,  “I don’t know when I’m going to be able to surf again.” she mumbled
“Babe, don’t worry about it too much, I’m here.” I spoke confidently
“I know obviously,” she spoke silently, looking down and rubbing her thumbs together.  “I just wanna be where I love. I’ll only be out for a little bit.” she said with her eyes glowing. “Blow the whistle when it’s been 45 minutes. Being out there…” she stopped, glancing towards the horizon, with the explosion of colors forming between the sun. “You lose time, 2 hours here can feel like 5 minutes out there, it’s a whole other world.”
Just looking at her makes me smile, and happy and grateful and warm. Before I could speak again, she was gone, getting farther away from me and closer to the shore line.
Jumping in and breaking the tides like a seal stroking the water, duck diving, like usual. But this time something doesn’t feel right. I had a gut feeling but I couldn’t put my finger on it. My stomach was heavy, my forehead sweaty, I thought these feelings only occur in movies. The breeze started to pick up, the sand whipping up- like leaves in autumn. Letting the palms go freely, vanishing to reveal the sign hidden behind that mango tree. Of course.
Strong Rip Currents
Swim at own risk
The island was unknown. No name for it. We were the only ones here. Private, how we like it. But maybe there wasn’t any people here for a reason. I mean it’s a breath-taking beach in Fiji, how could some not know about this?
I tried not to think about it, she’ll be okay. Nothing bad is gonna happen. Nothing. I was just edgy and agitated. I just wanted her to drop in on one already.
My mind was shaking though.
Just waiting for that perfect wave seemed to take forever. Thinking of the best barrel to ride all the way into shore so she can come into my arms, I already missed her. I can just imagine myself hugging her so hard till it hurts. 
The wave forming, the tides coming up. All the blues colliding together to form the perfect mix. And even more the perfect wave. Not just the small tidal wave, but a barrel to make such a great story. She needs to hurry up if she wants it, first going in strong and easing into it. About to take that drop, 
Thinking this was it, the fins of the board gradually breaking through the water, when in the distance I just see a triangle forming out of the water. Like a teal ish gray, almost the color of a storm cloud forming above the sea. The eyes were red, just looking at her, stabbing into her arm. I died on the inside. She had to be losing feeling in her arm and leg. But everything was red. Filling the area. I couldn’t see her anymore. She was weak, screaming my name, bloody murder. Even a deaf person could hear. She was like a lion roaring literally. So bad. Kept on trying to come up for air but seemed impossible. I had to do something. I have to save her. Didn’t even hesitate to take my shirt off, just got in there. My heart was pounding out of my chest, it hurt like hell.
Of course I was scared. I could die. But she’s my girl. I love her and she’s my soulmate. I felt like I felt when I was about to skydive last year in Aruba.  Losing the love of my life? How could that be? Seeing the horizon gave me light. I could do this. Take a deep breath and go under. My eyes filled with tears, I couldn’t see anything-barely.
Just a slight glimpse of Lily. Her long blonde hair floating in the current. Grabbing her felt like the easiest thing. She was surprisingly light considering we're expecting. But her wet-suit at least, I thought would weigh 100 lbs. I didn’t see the shark though. Only a couple of guppies and turtles.

Only a couple yards left, felt forever. As soon as she hit the sand gasping for air and grabbing my hand, I knew she was gonna be okay. Panicking with big red open eyes broke my heart.

Heart pounds and seeing the blue and red white lights in the distance gave me relief. Such a heavy weight lifted off of my shoulders. I knew they were gonna help as much as they can. I just love her so much and just want what’s best for her.

The author's comments:

I love the beach so this is so special to me

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