My Path | Teen Ink

My Path

January 15, 2017
By FaithReadinger BRONZE, Reading, Pennsylvania
FaithReadinger BRONZE, Reading, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Treading through the woods, the only sound being the subtle crunch of autumns past. I come to a wide dirt path, where I must make the decision to go left toward the school or right toward the mountain. I make the bold move to walk across the lonely path. The land drops forming a steep hill leading to a slowly moving creek. The sunlight gleams off the water’s top, reminding me of the sparkling eyes of my first love. I can imagine his dark blue irises staring at me.
I shake my head and look at my feet to see barbed wire awaiting an unexpecting adversary. I lift my foot while inspecting every step I take. I lower my center of gravity, becoming one with the earth, to approach the creek. The ground shifts beneath my feet. The soil tumbles almost as fast as I do. I run down the hill trying to stop myself. Before I could come to a halt, I made it to the water’s edge.
My clothes fill with the icy cold liquid. I know that I must get to my feet, but I hesitate to stick my bare hands into the stream. I sit there for a moment contemplating my next move. I go to stick them in the hand-purpling water, when I hear a familiar voice. It was his voice. The sun added golden highlights to his short brown hair, and a halo glow to his presence. His blue eyes softly staring at me while a smile spreads across his face. His hand grabs mine, and he lifts me from the fish's home. He laughs at me while watching me climb back up the hill. I claw my way to the top and collapse to the ground. He follows behind and lies next to me. We stare at the sky through the different shades of green, and wonder what the other’s thinking. I look over toward him to find that he’s gone. I sit up and look around to realize that I am the only one there. I’m back where I started; other than the wet clothes. He’s a distant memory, but a haunting one. I lie back down and become one with the path, as we both wait for someone to find us.

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