Meant to Be | Teen Ink

Meant to Be

January 25, 2017
By Olivia0312 BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
Olivia0312 BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Josie and Zane had spent the last four years together, signing up for the same classes, studying together, and the last year even living together. They learned about different diseases, cancer, and so much more. They had spent the last four years of medical school together and today was the day they finally graduate.
They called Zane first, then Josie a few minutes later. As Josie walked across stage Zane smiled at her from across the gymnasium. When the ceremony was finally over they found each, hugging each other tight.
The next day, as they packed the boxes, Josie said, “What if we don’t end up in the same hospital for our residency? What if you stay here and I end up halfway across the country in Texas?”
“If that happens we’ll figure it out. We can do it. We’re strong together.”
“I’m so scared Zane. We’ve spent the last four years together and it’s been the last four years of my life.”
As Zane turned to her, he noticed a tear rolling down her face. “Hey,” he said calmly as he hugged her close, “It’ll be okay. We’ll figure it out, I promise. Anyway, who knows, we could end up just a few minutes away from each other. Better yet, we could even end up at the same hospital.”
They held each other close, savoring what could be the last few days together for awhile.
A few days later the mail came. In it were both Josie and Zane’s residency assignments.
“I’m too afraid to open it,” she told Zane.
“We’ll open them together. Don’t be afraid, it’ll be okay.”
As they each ripped open the envelopes they made eye contact one last time. Would this keep them together for the next few years or tear them apart? They began reading and when Josie finished she looked up.
“Where did you get?” she asked, shaking.
“Chicago Med...” Zane said, his voice shaking as well.
Josie began crying immediately, but Zane couldn’t tell if she was crying happily or because she was going to leave to go 1500 miles away. Zane slipped the paper out from her hand and began reading.
He smiled as he looked at her, now knowing they would not be separated by miles, but by hospital departments.
They both hugged each other close. They were as happy as could be, and tomorrow they would begin the apartment search in and around Chicago.

A few months later they were each beginning their residency. Zane in the surgical department, Josie in the emergency department.
“Okay,” Zane said as he hugged her goodbye for the day. “I’ll see you at lunch. Have a great day!”
Josie looked up at Zane smiling. “I love you,” she said.
“I love you too.”
As Josie walked into the hospital she immediately felt welcome, yet overwhelmed at the same time. Doctors and nurses bustled around her, rushing to help patients in need. A code went off at one end of the hall while a nurse joked with a patient in another room.
“Hi! I’m Sam, you must be Josie! Welcome to Chicago Med!”
“Thanks! I’m really excited to be here! Is it normally this busy in the Emergency Department?”
“Yep! They don’t call it the ED for nothing. There’s always a constant flow of patients needing emergency, on the spot care. That’s the beauty of it down here.  There’s always a job to get done.”
“It’s amazing down here,” Josie said as she looked around in awe. “Where should I start?”

On the other end of the hospital Zane walked into the Surgical Department. He too looked around, observing the doctors talking with patients. Seeing how they were doing. Suddenly someone caught his attention.
A tall man with dark colored hair began walking in his direction. “Hi, I’m Doctor Cloves. Are you Zane?”
“I am! It’s great to meet you!” Zane responded, excitedly.
“You as well! Why don’t I give you a tour of the wonderful place we like to call the Surgical Department.”
As they both walked around the department Zane watched as recovering patients talked with nurses and watched TV. He saw new patients being prepped for surgery, families waiting anxiously for their son or daughter to come out of surgery. Zane smiled, knowing this was the place for him to be.
Suddenly, Dr. Cloves’ pager went off. “First call of the day!” He said as he headed toward the elevator. As he pushed number 1 on the elevator Zane knew exactly where they were headed: The ED.
As the elevator doors cracked open they were greeted by Dr. Forter, a well known resident, who explained the situation to Dr. Cloves and his knew intern.
“A ten year old was hit by a car while riding his bike. He has internal bleeding and needs immediate surgery to stop it.”
“Alright, let’s go check him out!” Dr. Cloves proclaimed as he put on gloves.
As Zane followed him through the doors a beautiful intern was tending to the patient, checking his IV and vitals. Zane knew who it was before she even turned around.
Once Josie turned, Zane smiled at her, making eye contact. In that moment they both knew, this is where they were meant to be. Together, sharing one hospital, separated by departments, yet brought together by patients in need.

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