Hidden Insanity | Teen Ink

Hidden Insanity

June 6, 2018
By nancylisette BRONZE, Atascadero, California
nancylisette BRONZE, Atascadero, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was merely a month before graduation day and i was in class when a couple of  policemen showed up at the door. Sam Johnson? they said,i raised my hand warily not knowing what was going on. Can you come with us please? While walking to the principal's office i started to get really nervous, could they have found out about naomi? But you don't know who she is or what happened so let me back up about 10 months to tell you the whole story. Not all high school relationships end in a happy marriage with 2 kids and a nice house with a white picket fence, if yours does then you're one of the lucky ones… My school isn't that big, therefore not hard to notice people from across the lunch area; thus how i laid my eyes upon Naomi. Beautiful curly locks with eyes as blue as the ocean and a huge heart, well so i've heard. I've never really talked to her, haven't even been in the same room as her but all i knew is that she was perfect. She was friends with my best friend francis so i figured that was my way in. It was well into my junior year at the time, a few weeks away before the last day of school in fact. I was way too nervous to just walk up and talk to her so i decided i would wait; try to find the perfect way to introduce myself. Summer break was almost coming to an end and i knew it was now or never.

ME: Hey

Her reply was immediate. Hey,

ME: So how's your summer been?

NAOMI: Really good actually,i got back from new york a couple of days ago. Quick question..

ME: Thats really awesome, and yeah whats up?

NAOMI: Not to sound like im obsessing but how’d you get my number?

ME: Oh i'm so sorry, I should've mentioned that. I got it from my friend Francis;you know him?

I wanted to keep the conversation going but then she said this

NAOMI:francis oh my goodness he's like my best friend!and no it's all good,but hey i gotta go,talk tomorrow maybe?

ME:yeah, for sure

It was the shortest conversation ever but it was a start. All i could think about that night was naomi. Wondering what she was doing,what she was wearing and how she was feeling was all i wanted to know. I recognize that i may sound a little obsessed but i needed this girl in my life and i would be willing to do anything to have her. After a while i finally fell asleep and then morning approached; i checked my phone to see if Naomi had texted me but when i looked at the time i realized it was only 6:30am. I knew it was way too early to text her so i decide to go on a run, running was my only escape.gruelling hours passed while i waited for a good time to text her; i decided i had waited long enough when the clock struck noon. I’ll spare the details by summarizing the conversation; it started out with the same thing, a “Hey”.  I would not let another conversation go by without telling her how I felt, so I didn't, I told her. And do you know what she said? I don't really know you that well but iIwould love to if you would let me.  It wasn't the response I was looking for but I'll take what I can get. I immediately responded with a, I would really love to get to know you too, maybe we could hang out sometime?, hoping she wouldn't catch on to the overeagerness in my voice. Yeah, i would really like that, when are you free? She said. At this point I was filled with zeal knowing there was even a slight chance to hang out with her. We set a date for Thursday to hang out at school because I had football practice that afternoon; I knew the time we had would be short but I didn't care. I waited and waited impatiently for thursday to come when it finally did and boy,was I nervous.About 1:30  I saw naomi walking up the bleachers,her beautiful locks blowing behind her. We made eye contact immediately and a crooked smile appeared on my face trying to not seem too excited.  Hi! Naomi said sitting down. Hey! Francis interrupted, Whats up? I wanted to sound as chill, laid back, and not at all nervous as possible. We all talked for a while but like I said before, I knew our time wouldn't be long but I didn't think it would be that short. I was saddened to go although i knew I had to or there would be hell to pay. To spare a little of your time, I'll skip about a month or so. We hung out many times after that summer afternoon, those summer hangouts turned into dates and my “friend” Naomi, turned into my girlfriend. The “honeymoon stage” as people call it was amazing until about the beginning of October, a jealous ex girlfriend of mine resurfaced noticing the happiness I was expressing with Naomi. She claimed, and had everyone believing that her and I were “messing around” but I swear it was just a flirty text here and there; then again Naomi didn't know that and didn't need to know that. I told her it wasn't true, even begged for her forgiveness and she believed me. It was a mistake and i promised myself i would never do it again. After the cheating allegations, my relationship with Naomi, as well as with her family and friends was strained and i knew they were not so sure about me anymore. No matter what I said or did,no one seemed to believe me. I knew for certain that Naomi and I were drifting apart so I did what any practical thinking person would do in my situation. I made a rash decision to drive to her house and pick her up. I knew she would be home alone that night  and she had told me so much about her bad situation at home that i wanted to help her escape for a little while. I pulled into her driveway and saw that the dining room lights were on. I exited my car and peered into the garage just to make sure her parents car wasn't there and when i knew it wasn't, I went and knocked on the front door. Sam, what are you doing here? There was a nervousness in her voice. I came to surprise you, i knew you were gonna be home alone tonight so i'd thought we’d go out. I exclaimed. She then proceeded to ask me to come inside. Listen Sam I don't know how to put this but i've been feeling very suffocated lately and the first time I mentioned it to you you seemed like you understood but nothing has changed. I really feel like it would be better if we stayed friends. I was infuriated, at this point I had no idea whether to yell or to cry; so as the result of all the emotions i was feeling, i did both. We can't break up, i love you so much. I need you in my life or else; or else i'm gonna kill myself!  Naomi shouted with a strong anger in her voice. No, i'm serious. Without you there's no point in living. Maybe a break? I said. NO Sam, i can't do that again. It didn't work the first time so what makes you think it's gonna work this time around? I'm sorry, i really want you to leave. She cried out. I left in silence. I couldn’t even begin to explain the amount of pain I was in;physically and emotionally. Physically merely because when I got home, I think I punched my bedroom wall so hard it caved in and emotionally because, well, you know why. Naomi Gray was the love of my life and I vowed in that moment that I would do everything in my power to win her back. Yes, I would see her around school but it was not the same comparing to when we would see each other all the time. Me picking her up after all her classes and sitting at lunch together just her and I, nothing felt right anymore. Christmas break flew by; it was a new year and i was ready have a fresh start. I strolled into school not prepared for the bomb that was about to hit; there she was, walking across the courtyard looking beautiful as ever. I couldn't help myself but stare. I hardly saw her at all the rest of the day and it was hard. I knew I couldn't possibly talk to her face to face so I didn't see the problem with going to her house, and seeing what she was doing. Just to see that mesmerizing face one last time was all I wanted. It started out as going to her house here and there just to satisfy but after a few weeks I couldn't take it anymore. I had to look at her face to face, just us, alone. I couldn't stand not being with her,  So I made a plan; Friday, May 17th, was prom night and I figured there would be so many people there it would be easy to slip in and out with Naomi without anybody noticing. I had inherited my grandfather's cabin in the mountains so i knew that's where I would take her. I was headed out the door when the clock read seven and I was gonna accomplish what i set out to do; make naomi mine. I arrived at the venue around 8 o’clock and I was shaking out of my seat. “ what if this doesn't work? What am i gonna do if i get caught?”  Those questions were all I could ask myself because i was so nervous my plan wasn't gonna work. I sat frozen in my seat for about 10 minutes until i finally got the guts to get out of my car and go in. I sure wasn't dressed for the occasion because when i walked in wearing my boots and a flannel that i pulled out from the way back of my closet, everyone just stared, granted I wasn't the most popular kid in school but this just drew attention to me; and not the good kind. I scoured the place for a few minutes until i saw her sitting at a table alone (thank god) and I walked over. Hey Naomi, can we talk? I asked. What about sam? I don't think there's anything to talk about? I could tell she was annoyed. Please just come out to my car and we can talk, it's important. She finally gave in and we walked over to my car.  I had a towel that contained chloroform hidden in my back pocket so once i got her where i wanted her, i struck her across the mouth with the towel. She only fought for about a few seconds until the chloroform reached her lungs and she passed out. I flung her in my car before anybody could notice; and luckily no one did. It took about two hours to drive to the cabin up in the mountains and once we got there she still wasn't awake so i placed her gently on the couch in the corner and made the decision to come back tomorrow

So, i bet you're all wondering,did i ever end up getting the girl of my dreams? No, what i got was a straight a jacket and a diagnose of schizophrenia. I don't think naomi knew what she was getting herself into when she sent that text that summer evening. But all that i did, all that i said was purely out of love. It can make you do things you'd never imagine you would ever do. I don't know if they ever did find Naomi but she got what she deserved. If i couldn't have her no one could and i made sure of that.

The author's comments:

I wrote this short story from the point of view of the boy in the situation.He's "in love" with a girl who had never had a guy have any interest in her so his affection towards her,draws her in. She soon realizes how mentally and emotionally unstable this boy is so she tried to break things off. It doesn't go well.

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