The Burden of Time | Teen Ink

The Burden of Time

January 23, 2019
By Idaliaramosocon BRONZE, Greeley, Colorado
Idaliaramosocon BRONZE, Greeley, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was nearly time for Elijah's parents to introduce their new product that was going to make technology advance to a different level. But what they didn't know was that the device they built was built wrong and was going to explode during the presentation. Elijah was born with the ability to stop time and see the future once in a while. This time when he saw the future, it showed his parents presentation going wrong. Elijah is 13 years old. He lives in the planet Galileo, in the Country A.S.U (America States United), in the city Mystic Falls. He has parents who own Spark Industries, and a small seven year old sister. Elijah’s parents had always wanted Elijah to join Spark Industries because he is very intelligent in fixing technology. But Elijah never wanted to get involved in the Industries because he didn't want to have to work. Elijah was used to getting everything he wanted without working for it. He didn't want to be the next owner either.

The day he saw the vision of his parents presentation going wrong, was the first day he was going to use his power to stop time. He had never stopped time before because he thought that he didn't have to enjoy life by stopping time and using that time to do fun things when his parents already gave him everything he wanted. Of  course no else knew about his powers. The only time he had stopped time was the day he found out about it which was by an accident which was caused by him thinking what would happen if he could stop time so he said it. He stops time by saying those words (Stop Time). The way he found out about his ability to see the future was that one day he saw a vision and in three days it happened. That day he stopped time, prepared to use his talent in fixing the machine. He went to Spark Industries and got to work.

The next time he stopped time he noticed something strange. There was wind this time and trees started moving because of the wind, this was so strange to Elijah. So he figured that every magic would come with a weakness and that weakness, for Elijah’s ability to stop time, was that every time he stopped time something else would move. But when humans moved that means his power was over and he couldn't use his ability to stop time ever again. He knew that this was going to be a complication so he got to work. Every day he would go back there for about three hours because he also knew that the other drawback of this ability was that he could only stop time for three hours. Of course when he got home he acted like nothing was wrong. But he did spend more time with his parents. He realized, during the vision, that he should spend more time with his parents while he still can and still has them.

It was about two weeks later and now even the ocean started making waves. It was at this time when he realized Galileo was rotating again. He didn't know if he was right in fixing the machine to make it at least work. But he did want to at least stop it from exploding. That day he faced many complications because to fix the machine he did need technology. Of course the technology didn't work because of stopped satellites. So he created his own computer apart from the wifi he was going to need. Of course this took up most of that days time and the next day. He knew he had to hurry up. When he stopped time this time the satellites started moving including all the technology. He realized that there were two things remaining for his ability of stopping time to stop working, animals and then humans.

Using that technology that satellites made move, helped him so much. He even stopped the machine from exploding and had two days worth of work, enough time to fix the machine and make his parents presentation successful. He got to work and finished the machine. He noticed that his time was about up but still needed about 30 minutes. So he decided to go get his membership card of Sparks. Knowing that this would make happy his parents happy. He was heading home and that's when all of a sudden everyone started moving. No one realizing that time was stopped made Elijah's work easier. He knew that if people knew he had power’s he was going to have to have a lot of questions, he could have even became research.

The next two weeks he spent them with his family traveling making sure that he enjoyed every second he spent with his parents.  The day of the presentation Elijah was scared to see if the machine he built was going to work enough to make his parents presentation successful. He was sure that it wasn't going to explode but he wasn't sure if he built the machine right, enough to make it work in front of the whole city. During the presentation Elijah got up and started walking. He got nervous because the next presentation was going to be his parents presenting the machine. He decided to go outside and just wait. Then he heard the crowd go wild and ran back in. He saw the machine working just like he planned it and congratulated his parents. He told them that he was excited to be partners with them in Spark Industries and they all celebrated.

The author's comments:

It is Scifi 

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