Quoth The Raven | Teen Ink

Quoth The Raven

April 18, 2019
By RoniJNHM BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
RoniJNHM BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They’re everywhere, the ravens. Their eyes haunt me and the simplicity of their darkness, the evil inside of them, tortures me so. May a woman, nay a girl suffer so greatly only to be accosted by such a creature of evil. I have suffered ninety days and ninety nights and these demons sit by my windowsill every night, waiting for me to go too. They wait to take me to the depth of nothingness just as they took her. She didn’t want the life of nothing you granted her Ravens, she wanted nothing more than to live. She wanted nothing more than to see the world and drink the colors of the sky just so she could see everything a little brighter, a little more beautiful. She was always beautiful. You took the blue out of her eyes and dripped it into the sky, why then, dreaded raven, is the sky not bluer? I wish for nothing more than to fight you, to remove your vile, your grueling presence from my world. My sweet world that contained my dear Seren. Seren Wintrol lived away furthest from a raven, she lived in the rainbow of light, in the beauty of an ocean, somehow Raven, she saw your beauty as well, she saw it all. One of your brothers is tapping, he is tapping on my window, he is tapping for me. The world is corvine with the agony of my love, with the haunting peck of the raven’s attack on me. Stop. Stop! STOP demon! Stop with your treachery and villainous plague! You wish for my fall! I mustn’t provide you such pleasure! You know you get to me raven so I call to you my dear, I call to you my lovely Seren, bring me the strength to battle the demon, bring me the power to avoid the call of the nothing. Nothing. Your nothing due to the raven, you’re nothing due to their cruel presence calling the underworld to grab its victims, you, my love, were the raven’s victim. You’re telling me Raven, you’re telling me the speech of weakness, the speech I must avoid. I can’t avoid the touch of your brother pecking on the glass, I require the peace and end without the ravens. I cannot defeat you creature, you know I cannot. You have come to choose me, just as you chose my love. You chose me for reasons I know not yet I know the defeat of my prayers. I cannot fight no longer Seren, I must comply with the ideals of the devil. I must give in to the raven’s desires. Rope and air are nothing but things, I can live with one and die with another. Raven pecking your evil on me, you may escort me to the gates, I am completing your mission. You bring the pain I feel as I step of the chair, my head Raven, make the dizzy stop, the pain, the pain raven, stop the pain. Oh, dear Lucifer I am compliant, stop the misery Lucifer. I shut my eyes to forever and the raven comes to me, I see the gates, I see the future, I arrive. “Come” Quoth the raven.

The author's comments:

This piece was written to showcase loss and pain, and uses religion to further punish the character for their emotion. I got the inspiration for this piece while I was at art school and thinking about changing the tone in my writing. 

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