The Final Goodbye | Teen Ink

The Final Goodbye

May 3, 2019
By gracezong BRONZE, Cerritos, California
gracezong BRONZE, Cerritos, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Click. The automatic door opened and Samantha’s curiosity led her into this gigantic, technological apparatus. It was midnight; her tired self decided to spend the night in there. Enter Destination and Date. She typed in San Diego, May 27, 2013. The ten-year-old Samantha left her birthplace with total confusion. I need to go back, to figure out what exactly was going on, she told herself.  

Lying on the platform, Samantha’s emotions completely overwhelmed her, as she dropped a tear, knowing that she was able to see her loved one once again. Nervously shaking, she let her eyes close, and found herself immersed in the scene of her last day in her hometown.

There she was, standing in front of the mirror in her bedroom of her old house. “Wow,” she gasped, staring at her tiny, skinny self with the black short hair and round glasses. What Samantha didn’t realize were the suitcases next to her, which she had no idea what they were for.

“Sam, come downstairs please!” her mom yelled, “Quick, pack up all your bags now, we’re going to move to a new place tonight.”

“What is this mom?” she hesitated, “Why are we moving all of a sudden?”

“Don’t worry baby. I’ll let you know later.”  

Samantha walked away with a bewildered face. Two hours later, she came downstairs with two heavy suitcases, one in each hand. She was still in a state of skepticism, but neither of her parents could help her understand what was happening. Both of them weren’t willing to tell her any details about the move, as they stood in front of her, looking the most despondent that she had ever observed.

“Honey, I love you.” Her dad hugged her and waved her goodbye.

Samantha’s mom grabbed her hand and led her out the door. During their long drive, the two of them sat in silence. Feeling uneasy, Samantha had some questions for her mom.

“Mom, where are we going? Why isn’t dad with us?”

“Cerritos. We’re living there from now on. I think you’re going to love it there,” she smiled.

Even though Samantha wanted to be hopeful, she didn’t respond. She felt extremely lonely without her dad by her side.

That night, Samantha prepared to go to bed, but she still didn’t get the answers that she wanted. As she walked upstairs, she found a stack of paper lying on the staircase. On the very top one, the words “Divorce Agreement” stood out in the middle. Without questioning her mom anymore, Samantha continued her route to the bedroom. She couldn’t wrap her head around what she just saw, but she laid on her bed and shut her eyes against the truth, attempting to fall asleep peacefully.

The irritating alarm clock stole her away from her imaginative journey back into the reality. Samantha walked out of the time machine. The past is the past, she thought, Time to get ready for school. She never saw her father again.

The author's comments:

Grace Z was forced to play the piano when she was little. However, she learned to turn it into a relaxing activity to convey her emotions. When her fingers are not flying over the keys, she can be found working with mathematical problems that help her understand the world better.

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