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April 28, 2021
By tyhndrxx BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
tyhndrxx BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Back in my young years, during the late ’70s, something very unorthodox happened to me while writing for the Annie Hall production. Writer's block is now my worst fear. Telling the story behind it still gives me the creeps, but I’ll make an exception for publicity. As you all know, Annie Hall officially came out on April 20th, but it premiered at the Los Angeles Film Festival in March. This made everyone so excited to watch my movie, I couldn't be happier. A year before April... is when all the weird and unholy things started happening to me. 

4 months after my amazing birthday, on April 17th, I’ve already started writing for this movie. Writer’s block is on my mind, but I'm avoiding it because I’ve heard many stories about people experiencing crazy things. . I'm at the very last few scenes  of the movie, what should happen? I can’t think. Maybe if I shut my eyes for little second more things will come to me in a wonderful dream  and make more sense. 

Dingggg! A sturdy siren emerges into my ears. It’s weird, after I open my eyes, there is still a ring. I honestly have no idea what is going on. This isn't common for me, I have excellent ears, per my doctor of course. 

“HELP!” Someone screamed into my ears. It nearly frightened me to death. I don’t know what or who that was in my ear. It was so loud but so far away at the same time. I didn’t know if I should go find who this was in my house or sit there like a hump on a log... Why me? I have a movie to finish! What is going on with my ears, or better yet, what's going on in my head? I can’t deal with this right now. 

Finally, I decided to go through this gigantic house to look for this random person who screamed in my ear and ran at the speed of the wind. I figure I should also take a trip to the bathroom to see what's going on with my ears, they are still ringing. No sign of anybody in the bedroom, so I thought I would forget about it and go to the bathroom. It could have all been in my imagination anyway! Lord knows what writer's block does to one.  The hardest decision, let the ringing settle or go check it out and try to fix it on my own? I decided to check it out. 

As soon as I enter my bathroom, I see no one. Not a single soul has entered my bathroom as far as I can see. I proceed to check out my ears. My ears have never ever done this in all my days of living. I started to look into my ears, I saw a huge child face reep from my ears, I immediately fell to the ground. I am paralyzed with fear. I had to get myself back up to gather myself. Blood.

Blood leaked from my ears as I got up from being scared. This was not a petty amount of blood either, it was too much coming from my ears. I needed to get to the hospital immediately. Forget about the child, they can have this house. I need my hearing! As I am moving around I realize I hear absolutely no sound from these objects. 

Silence is all I hear. My ears aren’t hearing anything at all, I panic. While trying to get my phone out to play music, a small pale child outside my balcony is staring me in the face with ungodly eyes. I was nearly scared to death. The ringing started again, I had to push myself to the hospital because I was possibly going deaf. 

In my car, there was no sign of this child. I'm speeding down the street, luckily I'm close to the hospital. I'm at a stoplight and decide to take a look into my ear one more time. AHH! I screamed in horror because the same little boy's face popped out of my ears again. More reason for me to speed to the hospital.

I arrive at the hospital emergency room to tell them I need help. Someone is in my ears. They of course would look at me crazy. A doctor comes to look into my ears. 

“Do you regularly take care of your ears?” The doctor asks.

I think to myself, why can I suddenly hear this doctor? I answer anyway.

“Yes, I clean them almost every day. It's a part of my morning routine.” I respond concerned. 

“Ah! I see the problem! You have loads of cotton buildup in your ears causing temporary loss of hearing.” Preaches the doctor. 

Are you serious, cotton buildup? It is understandable, I use them every day. This gave me a totally opposite idea for my movie. Did this all happen because of my writer's block or did I actually encounter a demon that day? Seriously? My movie is going to have such a drastic ending. I know, me only thinking about my career when my life was on the line.

I finished my production, thankfully. It ended with my two characters breaking up. They were madly in love with each other and should’ve been together forever. Me being the writer I am, I put a twist on it. Regarding the writer's block horror, I’m thinking about turning that into a movie! A woman writer comes back from her break from writing. She stumbles upon writer's block, not allowing her to finish her book. Sinister events start to happen, is it her mind or is it a reality? We shall find out. 

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